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I Will Never Give Up and I Can
          Never Be Defeated: The Return to 1945!
Victoria Boyson
April 15, 2021

"There is not one plan My enemies have made that I do not know about and have not already made provision for. I will create victory for Myself out of all their plans. I will never give up and I can never be defeated!" - Papa God

I was traveling shortly after the first of the year and stopped at a Texas destination gas-station. Buc-ee's is the biggest convenience store I know of and is extremely popular. It is always busy, but this day it was even more crowded than usual. My spirit-radar was on edge as I entered and I could feel the many demons that were accompanying the large crowd, so I decided to leave.

With a sense of resigned grief at the state of the world, I walked down the side-walk in front of the store and was suddenly shown a vision from the Lord. One moment, I was in the present time seeing two men approaching on the side-walk with gray overcast skies overhead. The next moment, I saw the sky full of bright sunlight and was visually taken back in time to the mid 1940s. Two men, a boy and a dog approached in the same place the two men had before. Wearing coveralls, boots and hats to match, their spirits were as light as the day. Behind them, I saw trucks and cars from the 1940s, and the atmosphere was permeated with weightlessness and peace.

I knew Father was showing me this for a reason - He was encouraging me! He said, "When I am finished with America, Victoria, it will feel like a return to the simplicity of the 1940s. A much more placid time, when people mattered more to one another than they do now, because they believed in Me. I will give people simple enjoyment in common things." My mind was taken back to a year earlier, after a very painful time, God told me to plant a garden and He shared with me the simple joy again of finding my hands in the dirt, covered in sweat from the Texas sun. Oh, I knew what He meant: A RETURN TO HIM - A RETURN TO SIMPLICITY FOUND IN HIM!

I was truly filled with His joy, peace and trust in Him!

Later, as I traveled back home, I relayed the experience to my husband. He was delighted to hear it! A few days later, he came running into the house shouting my name. As I ran to meet him, he was holding up something small in his fingers. "Look what I found in the back-yard!" he exclaimed. I was astonished as he put in my hand a nickel from 1945! To further prove His point to me, my heavenly Father had placed it on a path my husband takes every morning and evening in our own back yard. My husband said, "I have traveled that same ground for years and have never seen anything like this there before!" It was laying right in plain sight in the middle of the path that only our family uses.

Why 1945?
In the fall of 2020, the Lord shared with me how much His heart was hurt in the year 1945. During the war, the world had asked Him to intervene and help them stop Hitler and the Axis regime. He was faithful to show Himself victorious for them. However, when the war ended, they gave credit for their victory to the unity of the nations and built what became known as the United Nations - this was very offensive to Him. With a grieved heart, He let them have their way. As punishment, America came to be more and more ruled by the spirits of the world's system, which had come through the coerced unity. They embraced a system designed to supplant human need for God and instead compelled them to worship themselves as being their own god. 

For 70 years, we have been trapped by this demonic power and the Lord has allowed it as punishment. However, in Scripture, He reminded me that seventy years was the Biblical time of His punishment for rebellion and idolatry. In 2015, that seventy-year time of judgment had ended and, combined with the intercession for America which had arisen from the church, He intends to spiritually restore us back to 1945.

Several years earlier, the Lord showed me how He would cause everything His enemies were doing to destroy America to backfire on their own heads! What the enemy was doing in an effort to take control of the world, He would use to awaken His church and ultimately inspire the greatest awakening yet. And so I watched and even now it can seem hopeless. But God says, "Victoria, I have great plans for America and I am never worried nor do I fret - My plans never fail. I never let the enemy win!" At that time, He told me He was halfway through with His plans to awaken us. Since He did not tell me when His plan began, I can't fret because I haven't seen it yet. I can only resolve to trust in the knowledge that He is working for us! And He will never change His mind! This is cause for rejoicing!

A Word From Father God!
Papa God said: "Do you want to know what I think of the enemy's plans against Me? They say they will turn the world upside down with a GREAT RESET, but I say to you they will not! Do you want to know what I call their reset? I call it the GREAT BUNGLE! For, I will cause it to fail and it will truly be a great big bungle and those so-called great men who are pushing it forward will become the most hated men of the age.

"For America, however, I have special plans, for I have planned for their deliverance from the jaws of the world's agenda! Nearly the whole world will stand against them, but America IS MINE, I say! I have said it before and I meant it! For, though the enemy rages against America, I will cause her to stand in triumph against her enemies. This time, she will not thank the nations of the world for her victory - SHE WILL THANK ME!

"America will return to Me and, as she does, My glory will shine forth from her like the breaking of the dawn! As the world stands in ruins from the debacle of the bungled reset, she will rise with healing in her wings. Once again restored to Me and great in her simplicity, she will bring the healing power of My glory to the nations. You will see it and you will see My glory, for it will be greatly needed in the world - communism cannot stand against My glory! The days of communism are coming to an end - it will fall!

"My enemies know what's coming, and I have caused them to believe they can, indeed, stop Me, but they are powerless to stop what I will pour out! And when the world has had enough of these idolaters, they will cry out for Me as they have never cried before and I will again hear them, for I have been waiting for this moment for a long time. They will cry to know Me and experience Me and all this turmoil will be worth it. My heart is overjoyed, for more souls will be saved in this decade than any other - My bride will shine with glory and she will be as spotless as a lamb as she resembles Me in triumphant glory! She will know My power and she will know My glory and she will know ME!

"For those who dwell in Me, there will be no fear or lack. I WILL BE THEIR JUBILANT PROVIDER! I am even now making provision for those who trust in Me. I am raising up sources of supply for My people - I have it all nearly ready for them. Indeed, their only recourse is to draw close to me, let me carry you in My arms and trust Me. Lean on My WISDOM, and do all without doubt or dread for it is not necessary.

"The days move swiftly and I am overjoyed the time has come for MY GREAT RESET!  HAHA! The reset of My BRIDE and My HOUSE! The joy of My strength is returning to you! You will have great joy! Rejoice! Return to Me and remember your simple joy in Me! Rejoice! Rejoice! Simple joy will meet you in the morning when you wake up and it will usher you to sleep in the night. You are My joy and My delight is in you. I love you and you will know My love more than you've ever dreamed of experiencing it. I will pour out My heart and bless you with much more than you have ever imagined to ask for.

"There is not one plan My enemies have made that I do not know about and have not already made provision for - I will create victory for Myself out of all their plans. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP AND I CAN NEVER BE DEFEATED! Keep your eyes on me, not on the world. Return to Me, stay close to Me!"

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