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A King Like No Other
Victoria Boyson
October 31, 2022

Once there was a king, who wasn't really a king, however, he told everyone so and the people accepted his authority. For the kingdom he ruled had grown dull and dumb-stricken by him, and because of this they were easily deceived. Yet, it would seem he was good to them after all and continually gave those he ruled many gifts. Every so often, he would create new and exciting things to give the people. After a while, it seemed he gave new and exciting presents to them every year. The people loved his gifts and spent a great deal of their time captivated by them. What a generous king he was, thought the people as they enjoyed and anticipated new offerings more frequently, waiting anxiously for new inventions.

What the people didn't know was that their king was generous with an intention, for with each gift came a little poison. At first, he was extremely subtle, so the people wouldn't notice its effects. Little by little, he grew bolder with his venom and laughed because the people considered him so benevolent. The masses became used to the ramifications of the poison that, as generations grew older and new ones were born, they couldn't ever recall a time without the poisoned gifts, because they were unaware of the lethal toxins they contained. They became numb to it and reasoned, "This is just how life is...there's never been anything but this."

Unknowingly, their relation to the poison went from desensitization to addiction. Occasionally, a citizen would suddenly detect a hint of something sinister in the gifts of the king and tried to reason with the people concerning it. However, the backlash of wrath-filled defiance they received from those they talked with quieted them and they stopped trying to raise alarm. By this time, the majority of the people were so attached to the toxic substances in the gifts, they lashed out at anyone who even questioned it not being for their good, and their king's benevolence a falsehood.

The king had a sinister secret to hide. With the gifts, he could hide it well, distracting the people from discovering the truth. Their king was was not of royal birth as you know, but in truth, the people were. Indeed, theirs was an entire kingdom of kings and priests - everyone in this land was of royal blood. It was the people of this once-great land who truly had authority and at one time they had been a very brave and powerful people.

They had been some of the bravest warriors in the whole world, which was why the fake king had devised a plan against them, intending to defeat them and take what was rightly theirs. This usurper was patient, for his prize was great. It all worked seamlessly. As the people were entertained by perverse and violent deeds they never before would have tolerated, it transformed this once regal land into a very dismal one, full of captive minds and weakened spirits.

You might think that all was lost for the once-great land, but you would be wrong. For there had always been in existence a High King to whom this whole world and its fullness belonged. He was very powerful and glorious, with armies unmatched in their splendor. He held the people of this dismal place in high regard, for He knew their ancestors and the great deeds they'd preformed, for they were an honorable and courageous citizenry. In fact, they were His friends.

At long last, He was compelled to awaken the people of this land to the danger they lived in and the delusions they endured. With His armies in tow, He and His trusted steed rode together with great ferocity and keenness of mind. They fought against the dark forces of this deceptive ruler to gain entrance to the land, and easily overpowered them. For their army was simply no match for the resilience of the High King's forces and they fell away easily. However, it was the people who posed the greatest challenge to Him. For the poison they'd consumed turned most of them into blind, misguided partisans who believed what the poison told them to believe and did everything it told them to do.

When the people realized the dark king was under attack and his armies thwarted, they were belligerent and went mad with rage. The poison made them violent and filled with fury and they rose up against the armies of the High King. Many of His warriors tried to reason with the people, but the poison had deceived them, making them fear their Redeemer and rightful King. It made them believe that He was their enemy and their only protection from Him was their fake king. They rose up against the High King with all their might, feeling noble in their rage, for they were told by the usurper it was meritorious to lay down their lives for him, as if he were their only protection.

The pernicious tyrant was unwilling to risk his own life and fight, and why should he? Those he ruled he secretly hated and wanted them destroyed. Indeed, they were more than expendable to him. He fueled them with misguided feelings of notability of purpose to bring down the High King's warriors, who were there only to rescue them. The people rejoiced at every hateful deed they performed for the insidious deceiver.

However, in spite of their conduct, the High King was filled with love for them. He knew it was the deceiver's poison which drove them to madness. In His patient goodness, He rode from house to house and slowly and methodically delivered the people from the deception they suffered under. Little by little, indeed, person by person, they began to awaken. As they did, they were horrified as to how they could have been so beguiled.

It soon came to them that it had been the gifts of their seemingly generous ruler. They realized they had become a land under siege by an impostor, a con artist, who had no right to rule them. Indeed, he was their sworn enemy that they had, in the past, often thwarted in battle many times as they learned through ancient writings.

As the armies of the High King moved steadfastly over the land, it was cleansed of the dark poison it had consumed. And eventually, the once-loved gifts were discarded, and replaced by the joy and peace of the true Ruler. As many awakened, they drove back the forces of the deceiver, and they began to uncover their royal status, that they had been raised up by the High King to be kings and priests unto Him.

Yet, not every one in the land gave up the poison. Indeed, some hoarded it as though it were a cherished treasure. So, the Redeemer King addressed the populace, "You are mighty warriors who come from noble ancestry that gave everything they had to build this land for you. You've nearly given all they fought for over to your enemy, because you lacked knowledge of who you were created to be. Your enemy deceived you with gifts infected with lies and, indeed, as each new lie was released, it wore down your defenses more and more.

"Instead of being from royal descendants of brave people like your ancestors, you were told you had no hope or purpose, until at last you believed them. It was through the books, newspapers, magazines, radios, telephones, televisions, games, movies, computers, and so-called smartphones that his lies gained entrance into your thoughts. It created a false reality for you that a so-called worldly kingdom must arise in your midst and, through this new orderly kingdom, you could reset the world and experience a true utopian grandeur, free from all fear or lack. The poison was a lying, controlling, manipulative beast, becoming the focus of every home. And whatever the beast told you, you believed it to be truth, and everything it told you to do, you did without consulting your High King. It made you fearful and sickly, driving you to take its cures and trust its science."

"My dear friends of a great and noble people, I offer you a second chance at life and freedom. I am the only chance you have, for your enemy grows more sinister and will never stop trying to deceive you. You must awaken to this danger and guard yourselves against it. Your enemy knows you well and will make his deception look authentic and his gifts enticing. You must guard your conscience, for it is a shield to your mind. Renew your damaged mind in My Truth and remember Me, for I will never leave you, nor forsake you. I will be with you and will guide you if you will let Me. Put away from you the unclean idolatry and sorcery of your land and repent of participating in its evil deeds. If you continue to take part and refuse to turn away from it, you become complicit with it and guilty of its crimes. Indeed, every compromise with evil is an open door to your enemy."

"Turn to Me for truth and fill your mind with the good things that are true, honest, pure and lovely. Turn your attention away from evil and to My good report. In it, you will find true virtue and praise, and your land will be filled with the peace only I can give. I am the High King, and you shall not be entertained by or celebrate My enemy, for he is at war with Me and it is treasonous to listen to his slander against Me or allow yourselves to become indoctrinated by his lies. If you do not choose to come away from his lies and realize the great purpose you have in Me as My kings and priests, you will, indeed, be lost to Me for all eternity. My love for you never ceases, and I yearn for you continuously. I am your High King and worthy of your love."

These words incited an even greater awakening among the people and delivered them from the effects of the poison they had ingested. Joyfully, they became unceasingly diligent against the wiles of their adversary. And, as time passed, they came to know their true High King and, once again, accomplished heroic deeds in His name. Indeed, they shared the knowledge they gained of their Redeemer with their children and their children's children. For they knew they could never again let themselves become beguiled as they had. By and by, these once deceived people became valiant warriors, overjoyed to be kings and priests to the High King once again. As He turned to war for other lands held in bondage, they rejoiced to fight with Him, to bring them much needed help and deliverance as they themselves had received.

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