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lamb95x141NEW Book by Victoria Boyson
      Prophetic Revelations from the Gospel of John
Never before has the world been in greater need of a sure revelation of Who Jesus Christ truly is, what He has done for us and how we should respond to Him. If you have been searching for answers in this uncertain time, this book is indispensable. Jesus becomes more and more alive with every turn of the page! He will meet you in refreshing ways and restore your faith - without fail you WILL rediscover Jesus!  Order Yours Today!


An Expectant HOPE: "Watch For Me to Release Myself!"
Victoria Boyson

He was a tiny Baby, yet His birth filled the whole earth with JOY! Think of about it: He came to earth as the seed of heaven, and His birth released GREAT JOY. He was the King of heaven and of earth, and yet, very few recognized Him, but how could they? He was just a babe.

God disguised Jesus as an infant, born in a stable, not a palace. Still, He was born to rule the hearts and minds of men. He was the seed of HOPE planted in a desolate, hopeless planet. Few realized His importance, because only the humble see more than what is made visible with human eyes. Most saw a tiny babe born to a humble girl. Yet through eyes of HOPE and JOY, an expectant few saw the Ruler of heaven descend unto the earth to release the fruit of His home to mankind.

Cruel paganism and tyrannical religion ruled the souls of mankind like heavy task masters, whipping their followers into bent submission. Sadness and discouragement weighed on their hopeless thoughts. Truly, they were unaware that the hope they believed would never come was indeed born.

God had kept His promise - He had come to save them. He would breath HOPE into their lives. For the first time in thousands of years, true and lasting redemption would be theirs as a gift to receive.

From a tiny babe came the JOY of the WHOLE EARTH!


No Other ROCK!
Historic domineering, hateful, fake Christians have tried to harness the joy of the Christ and strip it of its hope. Truly, a supernatural war has been waged to stop HOPE - to bring a heavy bondage of religion without the JOY of the Christ-child. Rules without relationship!

How little they know my God!

If they had truly known Him, they would not have tried to stop His hope from spreading throughout the world. For, indeed, as Isaiah declared, "This is what the Lord says - 'I am the First and the Last; there is no other God. Who is like Me? Let him step forward and prove to you his power. Let him do as I have done since ancient time when I established a people and explained its future. Do not tremble; do not be AFRAID. Did I not proclaim my purposes for you long ago? You are my witnesses - is there any other God? No! There is no other Rock - not one!'" Isaiah 44:6-8

Believing they were following the one true God, they created a powerless god to worship (2 Timothy 3:5). They refused to receive the Hope He offered them. In doing so, they refused Him! But, "Who but a fool would make his own god" (Isaiah 44:10). Instead of accepting Him as He is, they deigned to re-design Him in an image they could fathom.

A Revealing!
Last year, the Lord gave me a word, "The Year of Restoration: Recover, Uncover and Restore." In it God said, "This will be the season in which I will convince you of My power and My love for you." He said that He would start a REVOLUTION! Indeed, our heavenly Father is unveiling A REVEALING of His power to care for you and save you! He said He would "convince you that He is for you and with you - to restore your faith in HIM!"

He promised He would invade every area of our lives: church, government and our hearts, so we will learn that with Him, even the impossible is possible. He said, "You are Mine and I take care of My own!" Your Father wants you to see yourselves through Him. If you know Him rightly, you will believe you are, indeed, the bold, unstoppable kingdom-warriors He's destined you to become.

He is NOT a powerless God!

He's not an oppressive God, releasing hopelessness to a world He hates.

NO! He's a God who SO LOVED this world, that He gave His SON (John 3:16) and through that Son came the Hope and Joy of heaven to this dark world. Truly, He gave us reason to rejoice! It was His love for us that drove Him to release His power on the earth - to show us Who He really is, in all His Majesty, Glory and Might!

He wants you to know He is your Redeemer and Creator. He's said, "I am the Lord who made all things. I alone stretched out the heavens. Who was with me when I made the earth? I expose the false prophets and liars and make fools of fortune-tellers. I cause the wise to give bad advice, thus proving them to be fools" (Isaiah 44:24-25).

With very little effort, He dumbfounds the earth's so-called wisest voices!

He reduces the powerful to raise up the humble. He liberates the captives to show that He is KIND! He destroys the plans of the wicked to prove that He is ALL-MIGHTY - that He alone is God and His plans for mankind WILL PREVAIL.

He will never let his adversary win!

From a tiny Babe, God revealed His power to the world. From a hidden seed came the power of all of heaven covering the earth with His glory. This was His plan and it is still His plan and He wants you to once again believe in His power and NOT the power of darkness.

Your heavenly Father is miraculous and has chosen to release Himself through YOU, and indeed, "You were created to do GREAT WORKS!" (John 14:12).

Through the BABE in the manager came the overwhelming powerful KINGDOM OF HEAVEN invading His people with an all-consuming passion for His will to be done on earth AS IT IS IN HEAVEN!

Look to the BABE!
The Father says, "For I will continue to reveal to My church, whom I've disciplined in the past, Who I am and what they are truly capable of. I will continue to shake the kingdoms of flesh and restore the fortunes of My Son in the hearts of men. I will be faithful to My Son in My faithfulness to you! Watch for it! I will release it and in it you will rediscover the joy of the Babe."

"Look to My Son, and be restored. In Him you will find peace, security and clarity. I have so much to give you, but most precious of all is the Babe, the Christ, the Son of heaven. Receive Him and you will receive ALL of ME!" 

For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

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