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Encouragement for California
and A Warning for Facebook Users
Victoria Boyson

I experienced a very intense dream about California last night (4-23-18). I saw the entire state engulfed in what I can only term as a Divine shaking, over and over. At the same rate as you would shake someone, I saw the state of California jolted up and down repeatedly. On the outskirts of the state were what seemed to be intense electrical explosions of lightening-like power all around the perimeter of the state.

Picture with me the entire state of California outlined by powerfully-Divine electrical explosions as it was shaken, not by an earthquake, but by what seemed to be an unseen force. As it shook, I saw the mountainous regions in the state evened until it was leveled with the rest of the state.

As I watched, I marveled at what I was seeing; it seemed apocalyptic. A miserable feeling rose up in the pit of my stomach as I wondered if anyone could survive such a force.

Finally, as the shaking stopped, a colorfully adorned witch ran out to be filmed by all the news sources. She took ownership of the shaking, claiming all should fear her. I then saw another woman take notice of what the witch attempted and ran out of her house with a three-pronged pitch fork. With authority, she roared at the witch to cease her lies or she would run her through. But before the woman could even move to strike her, the witch was assailed upon by Narnia-like creatures, as they came from the shadows to devour her.

When I awoke, I knew this dream was good news for California and bad news for those who are trying to destroy her. The shaking was from God; it was a Spiritual "earthquake." A combination of supernatural demonstrations of Divine principles or the Truth (Jesus) unfolding and emanating through the Spirit of God (an awakening and divine shaking in the spirit-realm) sent to reveal the power of God.

Even though it seemed no one could survive, they had endured it and all the principalities who considered themselves more powerful than God were suddenly brought low and intensely humbled by the hand of God. The mountains of long-held demonic strongholds which had gripped it with such power were shaken into dust and flattened.

The witch who tried to take credit for the occurrence was the spirit of Jezebel which has been running amuck in hollywood. The woman in the house represents the church or house of God taking authority over her in prayer and commanding her to stop her lies. And those who destroyed her were those in hollywood who the Lord has been raising up in secret in her midst to destroy her.

As they stood in the gap for hollywood's redemption, Christian warriors who were fearless in their resolve had expected and believed their faithful God would arise in hollywood and answer their call. They would make sure God Himself received the credit for what had transpired, for they wanted the people to know God was real and look only to Him for help.

Shortly after falling asleep again, I dreamt that I was posting a Christ-filled post on facebook and was stopped abruptly by a warning from facebook that stated they'd determined my post was "too Christian" as if it were something hateful and evil.

A while back, the Lord had spoken to me not to rely solely on facebook, because we would not always have it to connect us to each other. He said, "Build up your email lists as your main source of communicating with your followers and feeding My body, because you will not always have facebook." So, I did as He suggested and I'm encouraging you to do the same. I'm not claiming that I fully understand what He meant by what He was saying, but we need to act as He requires.

For those praying for California, please continue! This is your hour, God is coming to you and will make Himself known before you in your state. Stay true to Him and trust Him to rescue you and bring low all those who currently think they can devour you with little resistance. Resist the evil trying to take over and it will flee from you as God arises in your midst. We are praying for all the Christians in California. We know our Father is with you.

As you build up your email lists, continue to pray for facebook and believe God for an eventual turn around. God never just folds His hands and allows the devil to win! Be determined not to give up one inch of territory to the enemy. Maintain, and be strong in Him. Our Lord is our Champion, our Victorious Overcomer, overwhelming our enemies and trampling our foes!

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