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lamb95x141NEW Book by Victoria Boyson
      Prophetic Revelations from the Gospel of John
Never before has the world been in greater need of a sure revelation of Who Jesus Christ truly is, what He has done for us and how we should respond to Him. If you have been searching for answers in this uncertain time, this book is indispensable. Jesus becomes more and more alive with every turn of the page! He will meet you in refreshing ways and restore your faith – without fail you WILL rediscover Jesus!  Order Yours Today!


Glorious Awakening
This is a chapter from Victoria Boyson's exciting new book, Victorious: An Army Awakens
Victoria Boyson

Beloved was impressed with a burden to pray for the harvest. As she prayed, God gave her a vision she couldn't quite understand. She saw the mountain of the Lord, and a heavy fog hung over the top of it and increased, transforming into a thick cloud that contained the potential of something more to come, something that would affect the entire planet.

Beloved felt a heightened joy at the expectancy the vision brought to her as it rose in her heart, for surely it would be tangibly felt by those on Earth. She sensed it was Father's response to the prayers of the people and, through it, the world would know God as it never had before.

She was confident then in her perception of some impending danger, yet she had an overwhelming joy as she anticipated it. This has to be it! her heart rejoiced. It would change everything she'd ever known about the Lord or the earth. Truly, she did not understand what it was, but knew it would inevitably be the rescue they'd prayed for.

Lord Jesus put His hand on her shoulder. "It is time."

Instantly, she understood she was to go with Him. They must continue their journey.

Concealed by the wheat, they made it back to their horses as swiftly as possible. Resting easy under the shade of a large tree, the animals had waited faithfully and were ready to go. Setting out once again in the direction of Father's mountain, their journey was swift and made record time.

Beautiful Time, the guardian of the entrance to the meeting place of the host, greeted them both with great dignity, as always. Yet, she hastily mentioned they'd been expected some time ago. Slipping through the familiar cave entrance, Beloved briefly took in the aroma of this wonderful place, enjoying the familiar memories of the cavern full of captivating stalactites hanging from the ceiling. She smiled as she remembered how she'd liked to refer to it as "the ballroom of crystal chandeliers."

Finally, they approached the door of the inner chamber where the prophetic host were assembled. She was filled with exhilaration about seeing them again. It had been quite some time since all of them had been together. Since the debacle of the army of the great, they and Beloved had endured terrible trials that had altered each of them. It was a long and treacherous process for them. At times, it felt like death. Yet, the result of their troubles was soon to be evident, as she would see that each had been transformed into a beautiful fire-warrior for the Lord.

As she hesitated before opening the door before them, the Lord placed a hand on her shoulder, reassuring her of His nearness. It was He Who'd requested this meeting and all were expected to be there. Indeed, who would miss it?

Entering the room, Beloved was hit with all the familiar, wonderful feelings again. She felt the impact of the inner room's tangible warmth, which was filled with a glowing amber light. Overwhelmed by the love and comfort of her very dear friends, her reservations gave way to joy. Helen, of course, was front and center and busy ushering forward the others of the prophetic host who'd been excited to greet the traveling pair.

It was like a thousand lovely family reunions, seeing all the wonderful faces and hearing all they had to share of their travels and trials. Finding comfort in their shared experiences and lessons learned, they visited for quite some time and would have liked to continue. When they were together, it gave them a little glimpse of heaven. Even so, they all knew they would have an eternity to spend with each other once their missions on Earth were completed.

Finally, Lord Jesus addressed the assembly of His faithful friends. "Dear ones," He said, pausing to secure the correct words, "the time has come to accomplish the task you've all been prepared for." He heaved a sigh of relief and smiled a smile that filled the room and every heart. The rest of what He said was a struggle to attend to as every mind was filled with the excitement of what they knew was ahead for them. Having prepared them so well in advance, there was little left unsaid but to encourage them in their mission.

Lost in her own thoughts, Beloved was shaken by the sudden somberness of the Lord's voice. "My enemies tried to steal My bride from Me, friends. Indeed, I let them believe they could. I even worked to convince them of their power in order to reveal Myself through them. I used them to transform My bride and, surely, I have. She will rejoice in Me again as she once did, Seeking Me again and drawing herself close to Me. She will trust that I AM GOD."

"I have kept you, My prophets, in reserve for this moment in time as a gift to My church. Your training in the secret place was under the strength of My hand. I have prepared you all for this hour, as you well know. I have refined you under the most intense pressure, for you will awaken and prepare My bride. Truly, you will teach My last-days-army the things I've taught you in secret, causing her to become the most radiant and powerful she has ever been. All creatures of Heaven and Earth have awaited this hour: the hour in which the mystery of My extraordinary mercy will be truthfully understood."

"During this time, My Word will reveal My heart to the world and then they will know I am their Creator and God. Heaven's glory will dispel the shadows of doubt that cling to them and prepare them to know Me. They will love Me because of you and they will know Me because you know Me. I have been working hard to prepare you, My friends, to become a display of My kindness to the world. You've been washed of the selfish desire to be liked. Beautifully, you have shone brighter through your trials. My light in its brilliance is undeniable - the world will see Me through you!"

"Work now, for this is your time to fulfill what I've been anxious for you to accomplish. Do not look to seemingly important men for help; your answer is not there. Look only to Me and let Me envelope you in Myself. For, surely, you hold the answer to what the world is seeking. I will bring some mountains low, while raising other mountains high: expect this. I will continue to expose all the secrets and tools of My enemies. Expect this to happen and do not be afraid. Just remember it's your Father doing these things for you."

"Draw closer to Me. I long for your fellowship. You are My delight and I take great joy in you, My dear ones. Come to Me and I will renew your strength. All the promises I have made to you in past seasons you will believe in again. My prophesies will come to pass. My desires for you will be fulfilled. Renew yourself in Me. I'm calling to you now - Come!"

Jesus was graceful and elegant in His exhortation to the host, and all were wanting to share this moment with Him and rejoice in His hour. Truly, their joy could not be contained while they spent this time together, loving Him.

Sadly, Beloved's journey with Lord Jesus was coming to a close, for He was needed elsewhere. Still, she met her new journey with the host in joyful anticipation as they set out at once for a return trip to the enchanted meadow of deception, where the Lord's army slept.

Much of their travels were spent in rejoicing and sharing, but there was also much planning required and arrangements to be finished. None were really certain of what was to come, but Beloved had felt keenly that the vision she experienced of the coming glory was pertinent for this hour. Her cautious heart had kept her from sharing it, but it was ever present in the forefront of her thoughts.

As they traveled together for many days, passing through all the familiar places of Beloved's journey from several years previous, she was often distracted with old memories. Some were pleasant, while others held capsules of self reproach. But all recollection was conquered by the realization of her endurance. She'd come through so much. Lord Jesus had often reminded her that was the objective - not perfection, but breaking through. Along the way, others had labeled, slandered and misunderstood her. Some just didn't like her. However, the closer she drew to Lord Jesus, the less their opinions mattered. Through His eyes, she saw true reality and understood they were still blinded by the ways of the world and the deep sleep.

Helen sidled up alongside her, seeing her heavy eyes. "It's amazing how easily the inactive mind takes us back to joyless places, isn't it?"

Shaken from her self-imposed history course, Beloved was instantly smiling again when she felt Helen's thin arm wrap itself through hers. "Oh, Helen," she interjected, "how much we've all gone through." She stopped herself from saying more. Her mind was full of questions of the future, as she remembered the vision of glory and dug for an understanding of what Jesus meant when He said He would win His bride at ALL COSTS. 

Smiling and enjoying the very best company, she rejoiced to hear her friends' advice. "So often," Helen began slowly, "I have found that the things Father has shown me in part would become a lot less worrisome when put together with the reality of their materialization."

Beloved understood her meaning and felt comfort in her understanding. Looking up through her bright eyes, she smiled at her with a heart revived. Somehow, Helen understood the battle of her worries, and Beloved wondered if she'd seen a similar vision.

Abruptly, Helen halted. "Look!" she whispered in excitement. "We are finally here again!"

Beloved was instantly lost in a flood of memories. Before she'd left this dreadful place of enchantment to find the prophetic host, the angels who watched over those here had asked for her help. Here she was again, and with the host she'd sought to aid her. She remembered those sleeping whom she'd tried to minister to while here: a woman who struggled with guilt from an abortion in her teen years, and a man who'd labored under the weight of his own success. She felt the burden of their plight still, yet now with hope lifting her heart as she was certain that somehow their needs would be answered.

A field of poisoned flowers - indeed, the oppression of the world's system - had lulled them to sleep. They were asleep to the reality of God and could only see Him through glimpses as their lives were oppressed by their world's agendum. Meant to become kings and priests unto their God, instead they were led down a path of futility, becoming cogs in a wheel of the sinister system that clouded even the minds of the church, lulling them into a deep sleep.
On entering the meadow of the enchantment, the host inspected the sleeping army and found it just as it had been. All were deeply unaware of the reality they were missing.

The conversation soon turned to making plans and offering suggestions. Devising their first order of business, they sought Father for guidance and knelt down in among the sleeping people. Their prayers transformed the atmosphere and involuntarily turned to exalted praise.

Suddenly, they were made aware of millions of angels all around them. Guarding them as well as the sleeping army, the elysian watchmen could not hold back and joined the host as their voices rang out. It seemed as if something were bolstering their praise and it was unlike anything the worshipers had ever experienced. A Mighty Wind was empowering their words of exultation and tremendous momentum was wrapping itself in and through them as they were caught up in rapturous praises to Father God!

"I give You praise with an open heart
I'm waking up to heaven, I'm waking up to You
I choose this day to be grateful Lord
I give You praise with an open heart
I'm waking up to heaven, I'm waking up to You
Your faithfulness like the sunrise
Your endless love reaches past the skies
I'm waking up to heaven, oh, I'm waking up to You."(1)*

They roared out praise into the heavens with arms lifted high. Their worship filled the meadow with the boldness and authority gained through the fire. They wept as the moment of their journey had arrived. Throwing off their restraints, they danced as David had long ago.

What a tremendous moment! Beloved thought. Enraptured in majestic exaltation, a flickering question flashed through her mind. I wonder why the angels are singing? No sooner had the question entered her mind than she remembered the vision of glory that Holy Spirit had given her. Were they here for that? she wondered.

Suddenly, thunder cracked through the atmosphere as if to join in with their rhapsodic extolment. As it acted as a crescendo to their worship, a bright-white lightning filled the night sky. They marveled as the sky above transformed into a massive, majestic storm. As though the earth were responding to something in the heavens, trees swirled in a grand dance as the ground under them shook. The sky became dark and foreboding as it was filled with the Almighty's power.

A monumental cloud formed above their heads as the intense thunder that shook the earth reacted to the collected lightning. Inside of the storm cloud were thousands of angelic creatures who swirled in and out of the glory as it increased, calling to something and communicating with it. As if responsive to the calling for His glory, the fire bolts of His Spirit answered in reply, rising up into an immeasurable wave as high as the mountain itself.

As the wave rose, Beloved could not help but feel an incredible expectancy rise in her heart. She knew this was a wave of the Spirit rising high above the earth. Upon its ascension, it held itself there for a lengthy moment, as Father Himself filled their hearts with wonder at His might and power. Surely, there was none greater than the Lord, no, not one. She trusted in Him as a small child trusted the love of a dear parent, and she knew that life and death would be joyous if left in His lone hands.

"It is here!" She cried as she raised her hands toward the heavens in awestruck wonder.

An overwhelming wave of what she knew to be shimmering, golden, pearlescent glory rose up from the mountain of the Lord behind them. Gushing up and expanding in sheer magnitude, it reached high above and beyond Earth's atmosphere. With an involuntary shriek of glee, Beloved threw her hands out in anticipation as the wave came plunging toward them. In the next instant, it broke over the expanse of the planet.

Beloved stood, arms outstretched, and cried tears of exuberance as she laughed with a heart full of Father's promise kept. For the first time in her life, she felt the very essence of Truth flood her. Her eyes were completely open to the wonder of God. All at once, she understood that she was desperately loved without any reservation. Though she was created for an earthly mission, she was truly the daughter of the Most High. Any trace of the accuser's lies was washed from her by the total wholeness she felt.

Helen's arms were suddenly around her shoulders, as her dear friend had remembered her. "Beloved," she cried! "Beloved!" Overwhelmed by tears of joy, they held each other while dancing in joy as Shekinah glory rained down on them.

Closing her eyes, Beloved savored the weight of this momentous event she'd long awaited, and forefelt the moment's ending. But, to her surprise, she opened her eyes to find it all around her. Covering the earth in glistening golden glory deposited by the enormous wave of Holy Spirit, it was a new and fresh dispensation for the earth.

"Glory!" Beloved screamed. "It was His glory I saw in the vision!"

Gleefully rejoicing together, understanding flooded them all. "This was the coming dispensation of the Lord! It is here at last!"

Questions flooded their discourse. What would the effects of this occurrence be?

Purchase Victoria Boyson's new book, Victorious: An Army Awakens


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