God is Looking for You Victoria Boyson www.victoriaboyson.com
You are the "perfect fit" for God's plan!
will put in the desert the cedar and the acacia, the myrtle and the olive. I will set pines in the wasteland, the fir and the cypress together, so that people may see and know, may consider and understand, that the
hand of the Lord has done this, that the Holy One of Israel has created it" (Isaiah 41:19-20).
God is looking for a desert, so He can create a forest. Do you feel like a barren desert? If there seem
to be 100 reasons why God would never use you, then rejoice, because those are the 100 reasons why He will use you. When God is looking for someone to change the world, He looks for the most unlikely candidate.
He has to use someone, why not you!
When God began looking for someone in whom He could build a great nation, He saw Sarah and said, "She's perfect" (see Genesis 17:16). Wait a
minute! Sarah was old and barren; she'd had no children. How could God build a nation from such as she? It was impossible, right? BUT God looks at the impossible and sees a promise. Why did
God select Sarah? It was her barrenness that drew Him to her. It was the impossibility of her situation that made her the perfect candidate for a miracle. Are you living with an impossible
situation? If you are, then rejoice, because you are a perfect candidate for a miracle from God. It is your need that has drawn Him to you. If God sees a mighty nation in your belly, then believe
Him. He is able to perform it.
God Wants to Do More for You One of my favorite stories is the story of Cinderella. This story represents to me the heart of God. Cinderella lived with a
stepmother who despised her, and her greatest dream was to be loved. She was not dreaming of being a princess--that was too much for her to even conceive of. Her reason for going to the ball was to find a man
who would love her. However, she was destined to find not just any man; her destiny was to marry the prince. The man that every other eligible female was dreaming of and conniving to get, was intended her.
"Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine" (Ephesians 3:20). As princess she would be loved and admired by not just a man, but also a nation. Just like with
God, when He is looking for a princess, He goes to the scullery and sees in a servant girl the ability to rule a nation. If life has pressed you down, than you need to rejoice! If life has passed you by, than
you need to rejoice! If you feel forgotten and unloved, than you need to rejoice! You are just the one God is looking for to change the world!
"Sing, o barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst
into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman..." (Isaiah 54:1). Enlarge the place of your tent... (Isaiah 54:2) because God is looking for you.
Do Not Limit God When I was in school, my favorite sport was basketball. My problem was that I was only 5'2" tall. Yet I became quite proficient at basketball because I refused to let
my size dictate to me my ability to play the game and my coach use to use me as an example to the other girls. I was one of the smallest girls on the team, but I learned to be aggressive and go after the ball no matter how
big the other girls were. Much like Jael in Judges 4.
Jael was a woman who was at home in her tent while the men of Israel were out fighting a battle against Sisera, the commander of the Canaanite army.
God had promised to deliver Sisera into the hands of Barak, the leader of the Israelite army, but because of his unbelief, God delivered him instead into the hands of a woman. That woman was Jael. Jael was at
home minding the house when, out of nowhere, Sisera arrives on foot to the door of her tent. She lured him into her tent to rest. "But Jael, Heber's wife, picked up a tent peg and a hammer and went
quietly to him while he lay fast asleep, exhausted. She drove the peg through his temple into the ground, and he died," (Judges 4:21).
Jael was probably the last one that Barak considered would win the
battle for Israel that day, but God chose her for that very reason. God was sending us a message: We cannot limit Him! He refuses to be put in a box! Tell Him He can't do something and that is
just what He will do. Give Him a desert and He'll make a forest. Give Him a servant girl and He'll make her a princess. Give Him a housewife and He'll make her a warrior. Give Him your
barrenness and He'll make for you a great nation. "So that people may see and know, may consider and understand, that the Lord has done this, the Holy One of Israel has created it," (Isaiah
This is God's heart concerning us. He sees beyond our weaknesses and sees a mighty warrior. He calls those things that are not, as though they were. If you feel discarded by life, then
rejoice, because God is looking for you! You are a perfect fit for His purpose.
In the story of Cinderella, after she runs away from the ball, everyone is looking for her. The highest officials in the
kingdom, even the grand duke, were searching furiously for her. Who was she that the entire kingdom was looking for her? She was the perfect fit! She was the only one that fit the glass slipper.
God says to you today: "You are the only one who can fill the 'shoes' that I am preparing for you. You are what I'm looking for. You are what I need."
The Shunammite Woman
In 2 Kings 4:8-37, Elisha lived in the home of a Shunammite woman, in a room she had made especially for him. Whenever he traveled through that area, he stayed at her home and she asked for nothing in return for the
kindness she had given him. It was difficult for her to receive the blessing. She had blessed the man of God and had asked for nothing in return for her kindness, but God desired to bless her anyway. So Elisha
sought out her need and, finding she had no son, spoke life into her situation. Her heart was so tender; she could not even receive the words he spoke to her. She couldn't bring herself to hope again.
Her disappointment at having no son was a death to her heart. She had learned to live with it - her husband was well advanced in years and he'd given her no sons to call her "Mama". It was a great
pain to her, but she had learned to cope with her disappointment. But knowing how great her pain was, she did not want to be disappointed again.
"About this time next year," Elisha said, "you
will have a son in your arms." "No, my lord," she objected. "Don't mislead your servant, O man of God!" (2 Kings 4:16).
A heart so bruised, a pain so deep that you cannot
stand to hope again. The Shunammite woman knew she could not go through another disappointment. This was an area of her heart that was still very raw. Her longing for a son was so great she was unwilling
to entrust her heart to anyone. Into this painful situation, God breathed the breath of life. He raised her hope from the dead and she bore a son (v 17).
God did for her what was above and beyond
all she could ask or hope or even think (Ephesians 3:20). He raised her hopes from the dead (2 Kings 4:36)! God sought her out to give her a miracle and He's doing the same for you today!
Have you
been discarded by life? Then rejoice, because God is looking for YOU!
Say "yes" to Him today!
Scriptures taken from the NIV.