God Says: "America, Your Destiny Awaits!" Victoria Boyson www.victoriaboyson.com
We are giving birth to a new
spiritual renaissance age - the age of rebirth, revival and victory!
In 1992, I had just given birth to my second child and I asked the Lord if I were to have any more children. He said, "Yes, you will have
another boy and another girl," and He even gave me their names. About five years went by and I was given a vision by the Lord of a little girl who was the exact picture of my youngest (not yet born) daughter,
The vision was so detailed I can remember still the design of the dress she was wearing. She was standing with Jesus at about age two, holding His hand. This vision was long and drawn out, which gave me
great faith to believe God for this little angel. The Lord said to me, "She's waiting for you."
As that vision ended, I was given another vision which was very quick. It was of Jesus holding hands with
the same little girl (CailieEllen) and a young boy about five years old holding hands with Jesus on His other side. It was so quick, like a flash, I was unsure about it and afterward discredited it, thinking I had imagined it.
Well, now I know that boy was my youngest son, Cole, who was not yet born at that time. Sure enough, a year later, I had my third child, a beautiful son, Cole, and we were so blessed. Yet, for nine months I told people he would be a girl, because of the much longer, more detailed vision I had of the little girl. Naturally, because I had misinterpreted the visions, people became cynical of what I told them God said.
So, fast forward another three years to 2000. I was pregnant again for the fourth time and I knew in my heart this was the girl I had seen in the vision with Jesus and she would be my little daughter, CaileEllen. But, since I had misinterpreted the earlier vision of Cole, no one believed me. In fact, people tried very hard to discourage me in believing it. They were so convinced I was wrong, it seemed they believed that since I said it would be a girl, it was sure to be a boy!
However, the Lord had given me another dream in which I was pregnant with a girl and everyone around me for months tried to convince me it was a boy, but indeed it would be a girl. In the dream, people tried hard to make me doubt what God had said... and now this dream was coming true before my eyes.
I had total strangers randomly telling me they were absolutely convinced I was carrying a boy. Even up to the very minute she was delivered, they were saying emphatically, "Your baby is a boy!" Yet, every time someone tried to tell me she was a boy, I got more and more encouraged that she would, indeed, be the little girl I had seen in the vision God gave me. I used to laugh out loud at them when they would go on and on about it, because it seriously strengthened my faith.
Since that time, the more people have tried to give me an opposing report, it has strengthened my faith about whatever God has told me would happen in the future. Because, truly, if the enemy is trying to oppose it, it must surely be GOD!
Birth Pangs God has told me that America would affect great change on the world - GOOD CHANGE. He said that what we've seen in our nation is spiritual birth pangs for revival - a rebirth of a holy nation,
which will be dedicated to GOD! We are about to enter a spiritual renaissance age in the church: a rebirth and return to the heart of our heavenly Father invading the earth through us.
It seems everyday brings more
so called "evidence" that the United States is about to be destroyed or is in such a horrible downward spiral away from God nothing could bring her back to Him. BUT!!! The more I see the possible danger and
destruction launched against us by the enemy, the more encouraged I am to see God's purposes and plans accomplished in the USA.
In the natural, giving birth is seriously messy, exhausting, painful and even
dangerous. But in the end, you have the promise of NEW LIFE and you see God re-creating Himself in yet another new person made in His likeness. And the world can rejoice with you that all you've endured has not been in
vain and Life has given birth to new life.
Now, some of you would like to argue with me, because you, like myself, see the difficulties surmounting around us. I can see your point, but prophetically speaking, we are
at the threshold of greatness as a nation. It is a very important time in our nation's history. Victory is never easy. Yet, it will accomplish the purposes of heaven on this earth.
The world is afraid because of
the chaos surrounding it, but you and I cannot join in with their fear. We must maintain eyes of faith and trust in our God. He is taking us into the enemy's camp and we are invading realms they've held for
centuries. This is dangerous, exhausting and painful, but it is necessary. If we are to accomplish the plans God has for us as a nation, we must press through this time.
God's Alarm Clock Most of us
wake up in the morning to an alarm clock, the most effective alarm clocks are extremely irritating - that's why they work so well. God has been increasing the volume of His alarm clock on this nation and we are
beginning to awaken. I sense in the spirit, many seekers who have been begging God to awaken His church and shake off the slumber we have been suffering under.
It is as though multitudes of people are awakening to a
new reality and they suddenly see the things they have been content to endure should not be endured, but defeated. They are moving into action - sometimes slowly, but they are moving. And as they move into action, they move
closer to the throne of their Father who's anxious to have them finally run to Him, into His arms for help.
With every violation of humanity, we run to Him and cry with urgency, "Father God, help us!"
And the more we come, the more we get use to coming to Him, until we come to Him for every breath! When that happens, there is nothing heaven will deny us. There is no demon that can keep us from our victory! You and I,
brothers and sisters, WILL REIGN! That is God's plan and He will do whatever He has to to accomplish it, because the world needs us desperately!
You were created for such a time as this and you are much more
powerful than you believe as yet, but your eyes are opening and you are overcoming your fear and doubt and learning to walk in the ways of your Father. You are obeying Him even though you fear what He asks you to do and He
is SO proud of you!
With every step you take, God declares to the heavens, "Look at her/him, they look just like ME!" and He is not surprised - He always believed in you. He's never lost faith in you.
He knew you would become His bright and beautiful church He saw you to be in the beginning! You are shining and He is delighted by you!
God says, "Hold fast to the words I have spoken to you, no matter
what you see, for you will be victorious. Press through in faith and thoroughly defeat your enemies and watch My Spirit reign in your midst! Call it in!! You can have what you ask if you ask in faith and trust Me with
victory. Nothing is impossible for you when you walk with Me!
Hold nothing back; give your all for Me. This is now the time to push past the pain and press into victory. You will find Me in your victory - I am
waiting for you!"
In Him, Victoria
"Stand firm, and you will win life," Luke 21:19 NIV.