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lamb95x141NEW Book by Victoria Boyson
      Prophetic Revelations from the Gospel of John
Never before has the world been in greater need of a sure revelation of Who Jesus Christ truly is, what He has done for us and how we should respond to Him. If you have been searching for answers in this uncertain time, this book is indispensable. Jesus becomes more and more alive with every turn of the page! He will meet you in refreshing ways and restore your faith - without fail you WILL rediscover Jesus!  Order Yours Today!


He Will Keep You
Victoria Boyson 

When the Lord begins to fulfill our destiny, the enemy will try and destroy it in its infancy. "The dragon stood in front of the woman who was about to give birth, so he might devour her child" (Revelation 12:4).

There are many similarities between giving birth to a child in the natural and giving birth to our destiny in the spirit realm.  There is a time of conception, of waiting, of labor and there is also delivery.  In the spirit, when we give birth to the promises of God for our lives, our destiny is in its most vulnerable state.  It is then that the enemy will try to gain access to devour it.

At the moment our destiny is birthed, it is at its most helpless state.  We can do nothing for ourselves, and if we were left alone, we would surely be destroyed.  Just like a newborn child needs tender care to keep them healthy and happy, we need our Lord more than ever.  So, why would the Lord allow His plan for us to be tested at such a vulnerable time?  It is because at this stage He is the strongest; when we need Him the most.  We are in desperate need of His help.  We don't know what we're doing and He likes it that way.  It is at this stage and through this method that God seeks to input into our method of operation a singular trust and reliance on Him.  He is in charge, and with every trial, we grow stronger and stronger in Him, and we are driven more and more into God.  We know our need is great.  We see now how vulnerable we are and how much we need to obey Him. 

Infant Child
The Christ child was no exception.  Yes, He was very special, but this little wrinkly baby could not save the world at this stage, but that was His destiny.  He could not even change His own diaper, but three kings, many shepherd, and host of angels honored Him as the Savior of the human race.  Herod feared Him and realized there was no better time to try and destroy Him than to kill the Savior while He was a helpless child.  Herod killed hundreds or perhaps thousands of babies while he was trying to destroy Jesus.  Even with all his horrendous efforts to kill Jesus and stop the promise from coming to pass...he failed.  But Herod did not destroy Him because God saved Him again and again.

This is one thing that we know to be true; when the Lord begins to fulfill a promise, the enemy will try and destroy it in its infancy.  When your destiny is birthed, all hell seems to come against it.  Your destiny, even in its infancy, is a prime target for the enemy.  He wants to destroy it while it is small and seemingly helpless...we should expect this.  That way when the attack comes, we will know it is just an attack and not the end of our destiny. 

We should not fear this attack, because it is indeed a part of the process of birth.  You may not look very threatening to the enemy now; you may even feel like a failure.  However, Satan, like Herod, is terrified of your future. 

God's Protection
I truly believe that the vision of the dragon waiting for the woman to give birth in Revelation 12:4 is a prophetic picture of Christ, but quite often in scripture there is more than one meaning to a passage.  I believe this scripture is also a picture of the enemy's tactics against our future in Christ.  We know he does not play fair, that he will strike us at our weakest.  He did not play fair with Jesus and he won't play fair with us. 

"Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by name; you are Mine!  When you pass through the waters, I will be with you..." (Isaiah 43:1-2).  When we walk through the waters of persecution, we see God more clearly and experience a greater measure of His power to protect us.  We shouldn't become fearful because of these circumstances, but let it increase our confidence in our Lord.

When He was born, Christ's defeat seemed inevitable.  He was the Savior, but He was just a helpless baby... or was He?  Don't forget the God of destiny.  The God of the whole universe is watching out for you.  Whatever comes upon you, you will see the dawn of destiny's light and you will have nothing to fear because God is with you.

"I am with you, and will protect you wherever you go" (Genesis 28:15 TLB). 

In spite of all that life throws at you, you know that you are in the arms of a gentle Heavenly Father, and every battle you endure He will use to strengthen you.  Through every trial, you gain knowledge.  With every test, whether you pass or fail, you become more aware of God's mercy and grace.  It is God's desire that you possess more of His Son's character through every trial you endure.

Our Destiny
"She was pregnant and cried out in pain as she was about to give birth," (Revelation 12:2).

This woman's destiny was to give birth to a child. She was in great pain, but her pain was a part of the plan.  It had a purpose!  How often we want the pain to stop.  It hurts and we do not understand it. But it is a part of God's plan for us and we need to trust Him. Our trials produce a power in us that can be gained by nothing else.

Do not despair, friend, He will carry you through every valley and up to every mountaintop.  Don't waste your energy or your heart trying to rush through or away from your pain. Work with it to produce the purpose and power God intends. 

When the Lord Builds the House
"For [God] spoke, and it came to be; he commanded, and it stood firm" (Psalms 33:9).

God set into motion the days that we live in; He spoke and separated the light from the darkness.  The light He called day and the darkness night.  Every morning when we awake and the sun rises with us, we experience God's faithfulness to the plans He has spoken into being for our lives.  It doesn't matter if we make mistakes; God is faithful to defend what He has set in place.  "The Lord foils the plans of the nations; he thwarts the purposes of the peoples.  But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations" (Psalms 33:10-11).  When the Lord has set you in place, you will stand firm.  He will keep you!

"Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain.  Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchman stands guard in vain" (Psalms 127:1).

Only God can keep you.  If He has set you into place, He will be faithful to keep you.  What God has established, He is faithful to protect.  Your destiny is in God's hands and he will not fail you!

The only destiny worth having is the one God has planned for you.  The only house that is of any value to you is the house in which God has built for you.

Dearest Father,
I bless what You are building in Your dear child.  I pray now that You would complete and defend what You have created in their heart.  Amen

May God bless you and keep you.

"May your unfailing love rest upon [this one], O Lord, even as [they] put [their] hope in you" (Psalm 33:22 AMP).

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