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lamb95x141NEW Book by Victoria Boyson
      Prophetic Revelations from the Gospel of John
Never before has the world been in greater need of a sure revelation of Who Jesus Christ truly is, what He has done for us and how we should respond to Him. If you have been searching for answers in this uncertain time, this book is indispensable. Jesus becomes more and more alive with every turn of the page! He will meet you in refreshing ways and restore your faith - without fail you WILL rediscover Jesus!  Order Yours Today!


Just Say No!
Victoria Boyson

Remember in the 80's when Nancy Reagan came out with her slogan to fight drugs, "JUST SAY NO!" Her slogan was attacked because of its simplicity. Kids in my school made fun of it because of that fact and it became a joke among my peers. Yet, in spite of all the opposition against it, what about the people it did help? What about little Johnny who actually listened and took it to heart when he heard it spoken about in school and decided that is what he would do. When faced with the onslaught of peer pressure, little Johnny had ammunition to defend himself with. He would tell them, NO!

This morning, Holy Spirit spoke that phrase to me, JUST SAY NO! I'd been dealing with an onslaught of spiritual attack for well over a year and had pushed it back time and again, but was now begging God to make it end. As I was crying out to God over this situation, God spoke to my spirit, "JUST SAY NO!"

I thought, "Really Lord, that's what you got for me?" Well, okay, if that's what He says to do, I'll do it.

I started out unsure, and, as the enemy came at me, I spoke to him only one word, "No!" And as I said it, I saw, by the Spirit, a burst of light hit the atmosphere like a shot. So, I said it again, and repeated it several times and every time I saw the same thing. It wasn't the word that affected the atmosphere, it was me! It was the power of Holy Spirit inside me speaking through me and telling the devil, not here! Not this one! Not now! Not ever! Get!

Holy Spirit is well recognized by the enemy as having unbendable power, and knows His voice when he hears it. Regardless of what others think, Holy Spirit IS POWER! He IS GOD! He is NOT OPTIONAL! If we refuse Holy Spirit, we've refused God. When we have Holy Spirit living and operating through us, we have access to all He possesses - PEACE, JOY, REVELATION, RESTORATION AND POWER! And all the fruits He has is ours. (Galatians 5:22-23)

Holy Spirit loves us and was sent to be our comfort and guide, but He is so much more! Through Him, we possess the power and authority of heaven, He is the kingdom of heaven invading the earth through us! And HE GIVES US UNBENDABLE FAITH! He gives us the faith that comes from seeing the realities of heaven and having more FAITH IN GOD than fear of the enemy. So, I started speaking to the atmosphere, to the Corono Virus demon and fear attacking our world: No! Not my FAMILY! No! Not my CITY! No, not my STATE! No, NOT my NATION or the WORLD I live in! No to the virus and NO TO HELL! And that's what God is saying to YOU!

After all, YOU ARE A CHILD OF THE MOST HIGH GOD! GOD IS FOR YOU AND NO ONE CAN COME AGAINST YOU, BECAUSE GREATER IS HE WHO IS IN YOU THAN HE THAT IS IN THE WORLD! And just like the three Hebrew boys (Daniel 3), we will not bow to fear or the agenda of our enemies. Just like David before Goliath (1 Samuel 17), just like Daniel and the lions (Daniel 6). WE SAY NO TO HELL! We say to the enemies attacking us, "Look at all you've tried to do and yet, it's all been for nothing! Regardless of the anxiety and dismay you've caused, you've been able to accomplish nothing the Lord cannot undo and use for our good. You may bring weapons against us, but THEY WILL NOT PROSPER! In Jesus' name!"

Why does he attack us? What is it all about? The enemy hates us, because we have what he can never have - the Father's love! And God knows that every victory we come through, no matter how often we have to go through it, gains us POWER and AUTHORITY in the spirit-realm. God uses it for our good - that's what God does! After the Hebrew boys fought the furnace, God was glorified and given a place of honor in the kingdom (Daniel 3:29). When Daniel faced off the lions, the king declared over the kingdom that Daniel's God will be OUR GOD! (Daniel 6:26) And also with Joseph, Pharaoh gave Joseph all the POWER in his kingdom second only to himself (Genesis 41:41).

God is training His church and raising up those who are willing to be raised up in FAITH! You feel like giving up, but you can't really, can you? You're stuck! You are too far into it to go back now, and what would be gained by going back? You know when God called you again you would say yes again and then you'd just have to start over again. No, giving up isn't an option. What then?

WINNING!!! VICTORY!!! Not going back, but pushing back!! Pushing back at the gates of hell and winning more and more of your heart back, more and more of your mind and more and more POWER AND AUTHORITY IN THE SPIRIT OF THE LORD!

Remember, Revelations says: "they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives even unto death" (12:11). Yes, that's US!!! You've stepped onto the battlefield and have decided that nothing short of death will stop you. The enemy has already been trying to kill, steal and destroy you, because God loves you. Hell picked a fight with you. You didn't start it. Jesus didn't start it either, but HE WILL FINISH IT - THROUGH YOU!

Tell hell, "NO!" in earnest! Because you have something you've never had before. Through your victories you've gained more POWER AND AUTHORITY! You are not begging the enemy to stop, you are commanding him to and he must obey. He tries to confuse us and tell us that he has all the power and that our prayers do not work. He tries to convince us he has more power than God. Or that God does not move on behalf of His children. ALL LIES!!!

He tries to tell us that we're bad or that something is innately wrong with us that disqualifies us from victory. That's such an old tune! He's been playing the same ole song for so long. Isn't that what he told David, Daniel and even Jesus? He plays the same ole tune, but we don't have to listen to it! There in lies the VICTORY: calling a lie a lie! Tell the devil that he may come out against you one way, but he'll "flee before you seven ways" (Deuteronomy 28:7).

Tell your enemy who your God is! It's not that he doesn't perfectly understand who God is, but he doesn't necessarily know that YOU KNOW IT! And he absolutely HATES HEARING YOU SAY IT! Truly, GOD IS THE WAY MAKER, MIRACLE WORKER, HE IS THE DEAD RAISING, LEPER CLEANSING, CHAMPION OF THE WORLD! He has NO EQUAL. There is NO ONE IN HEAVEN OR EARTH WHO IS HIS EQUAL! NO ONE EVEN COMES CLOSE!! Remind the devil he has been DEFEATED BY THE CROSS OF JESUS and there's no coming back from it.

So, just like Nancy Reagan, I say: JUST SAY NO! JUST SAY NO TO HELL! No to FEAR! No to HATRED! No to giving up! No to the devil stealing from me! I will trust my God, for there is nothing too big for Him to handle.

God has promised to take care of all that concerns us, and He loves His children to come to Him and remind Him of the promises He made. He wants us to come to Him like we would a bank we had money in, with confidence and trust that we will receive what we ask for. "you do not have because you do not ask" (James 4:2-3). 

God honors His faithful followers. Those who keep following Him no matter what's been coming against them, will increase in power immensely! It is this honor that turns the tide of wickedness in the world, it doesn't matter what it is, it isn't enough to overpower ONE WHO GOD HONORS! And that is YOU, friend.

Maybe some would say, "Victoria, that's just too simple. You are just crazy!" Just remember they called Peter the Great crazy too and they said he had a demon! They said Churchill was crazy and couldn't possibly win over Hitler, yet, his name is synonymous with victory and determination. They thought the early Christians were crazy and the reformers too. Jesus was called crazy by His own family! If you look into history you see one glaring truth: you will have to triumphant over the opinions of others to be crazily used by God!

Tell your accusers, and those who tell you to sit down and hush, "Yes, I'm crazy! Crazy if I ever let ding dongs like you stop me from BELIEVING IN GOD! Crazy if I believe your word over God's! Crazy if I trust others instead of God and let you make me doubt HIM! Crazy if I let Jezebel manipulate me with fear and doubt, and crazy to think I'd ever hear anything other than the devil speaking through her!"

In Matthew 16:18, the Word says, "on this rock I will build My church, the gates of hell will not prevail against it." Have you ever seen any army carting around the gates of their city as they invaded a foreign land? No, gates are a stationary weapon of protection, to keep others from invading their city and taking over their kingdom. If the word says we will prevail over the gates of the enemy, it means we will be advancing on our enemy's territory.

It will be us doing the attacking, and we are! If you've been attacked, it is because you are advancing. You are gaining ground and taking back all that was stolen from you. And truly, as prophesied, THEY DO NOT STAND A CHANCE! The gates of hell WILL NOT stop you and they will not stop the KINGDOM OF GOD from advancing victoriously against the kingdoms of darkness - the victory has already been won!

God can and will turn every weapon they launch at us into an advantage for His children.
For, GOD USES ALL THINGS FOR OUR GOOD! (Ro. 8:28) There's nothing to strong for our God, no virus, foreign powers, political intrigue, or pain, sickness or lack! And anyone who says different is a dad-burn-liar (that's Texan for, someone who doesn't speak the truth)!

If you believe that there is NO ONE WHO IS THE EQUAL OF THE GOD and that HE BEING FOR YOU MEANS NO ONE CAN STAND AGAINST YOU (Isaiah 54:17), then naturally you should fear nothing. Not even death, for "though we walk through the shadow of death, we will fear NO EVIL!" (Psalm 23:4) Why? Simply because He's with us and if you are walking with God you have only to say NO TO HELL, THE VIRUS, AND THE GRAVE! He is your heavenly Father and He will do anything for you. Just ask Him!

Pray this with me:
Father God, there is no one like You, You have no equal in heaven or earth and I will trust You not matter! Whether I face sickness, fire or the sword, my trust will stay, not in myself or what others can do for me, it will stay firmly in NONE BUT YOU! If the enemy takes me down, he'll have to take You with me (he's already tried that and it didn't work out for him). Father, I put my little hand in Your very large and capable hands and commit myself to Your care now and forever. I will speak to the mountains in my life and command them to fall and bow to You! I command all sickness and fear to bow to my Father in Jesus' name! I say to the enemy of my soul, state and nation loud and determined, NOOOOOOOOOO!!!! NOOOOOOOOOO! NOOOOOOOOO! Not now, NOT EVER! NO!

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