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      Prophetic Revelations from the Gospel of John
Never before has the world been in greater need of a sure revelation of Who Jesus Christ truly is, what He has done for us and how we should respond to Him. If you have been searching for answers in this uncertain time, this book is indispensable. Jesus becomes more and more alive with every turn of the page! He will meet you in refreshing ways and restore your faith - without fail you WILL rediscover Jesus!  Order Yours Today!


Live In Wonder: We Are Entering the Age of Wonderment
Victoria Boyson

"Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven" Matthew 6:9-10.

During a time of prayer, I saw the Father holding a beautiful golden bowl in His hands. He held it out to give to me and I took it. The bowl was filled with the liquid glory of heaven. I lifted it above my head and poured it over myself. I was not only covered by His golden glory, but I felt its glorious, molten fire go deep inside me and fill me in the innermost parts of my soul.

In awe and in anticipation, I waited to see what He would do next. It was then I felt a prayer burst forth from my spirit. I prayed with such emotion: "Father, let Your kingdom come in my life; let Your will be done in me. Father, let the government of Your kingdom be established in me."

We are now entering a time of unprecedented supernatural war in the heavenlies between the kingdom of Light and the kingdom of darkness. It is the kingdom of our Father warring against the dark kingdoms on this earth - pulling down strongholds that have plagued the church for centuries.

The enemy has attempted to rule over mankind in an effort to thwart the worship of God's creation and suck the life from the church. But he has failed. And now, the King of heaven has entered the realms of earth and has begun a major spiritual war to buckle the gates of this world and establish the government of His kingdom on earth in us.

This supernatural war is heightening and the Lord is calling for His watchmen to call on Him to establish His government in themselves. As He is glorified in them, the Light of His kingdom will dawn on the earth and be established on earth as it is in heaven. We, as His bride, will literally be transformed!

Through His liquid glory, He will transform His bride into the most breathtaking, captivating bride ever imagined. This glorious, beautiful bride will rise and rule in His power and the world will be amazed.

Absolute Love - Absolute Obedience
As the Lord's prayer filled my heart, He reminded me of Abraham at Haran. God called Abraham to leave his homeland.  He said, "Leave your native country, your relatives, and your father's family, and go to the land that I will show you." He told him, "I will bless you... and you will be a blessing to others." He promised Abraham that, "all the families on the earth will be blessed through [him]" (Genesis 12:1-3).

Abraham grabbed on to the promises of God for himself and for the generations of mankind who would come after him. He clung to the promises of God and they became a great treasure to him. He valued all that God wanted to establish through him - it became his prime life-objective.

He left behind his earthly father's household and what was familiar to him to lay hold of the great promise of God for his life. Think about it: in Abraham's time, there was no email, telephone or even pony express. When he said good bye, it was good-bye. Yet, he forsook everything to establish the government and rule of his heavenly Father in his life and he received the blessing of the glory of heaven, not only for himself, but for the many generations he envisioned would come after him.
Abraham loved his heavenly Father and gave his all to seek Him - he clung to Him as a pearl of great price (Matthew 13:46). Abraham heeded his heavenly Father's word with absolute love shown through his absolute obedience to Him (Genesis 22:1-13) and God blessed him with the miraculous.

For many of you, God has called you to leave the familiar and join Him in His journey. Like Abraham, you've forsaken the comfort of the familiar to follow Him. The Father is saying now, "Focus on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead, I press on to reach the end of the race and receive the heavenly prize for which God, through Christ Jesus, is calling us" (Philippians 3:13-14).

Forgetting the past means devaluing it and giving it no place in your present or future - giving it no place in your heart or mind. You have chosen your Father and He deserves all of you, every piece of your soul and spirit - all of you entirely.

He wants all of you, and what you surrender to Him, He will bless.

Let your past have no place in your future; it is of no value, you have to let it go. Let no regret live in the secret place with you and your Bridegroom. It's a part of the old you and is out of place in the new creation the Father has formed in you.

It's time now to follow hard after your Beloved and not lose focus from the destined promise of the pearl of great price. This is not the time to regret the past, nor fear the future, but to boldly take hold of God's promises, allowing the Father's unending love to consume you and consume your past.

It's Time
For years, the Lord has shown Himself to me in a vision on a powerful, white horse, dressed in glorious armor. Each time He would ask me the same question, "Victoria, will you ride with me?"

Every time I would answer in desperate anticipation, "Yes, Lord!" He would shake His head and say, "Not now, but soon."

I was desperate to be with Him and begged Him to take me. Finally, after many, many years of experiencing this vision, He's said, "Victoria, it's time!"

Your Father is saying to you now, "It's your time, My beloved. It is your time to follow Me and enter the wonderment of My kingdom coming to the earth being brought about even now! I have anticipated this time from the beginning and it is finally here. My kingdom will be established on the earth in you. My justice will come to the earth. My fairness will rule the earth through you, My beautiful bride. And, truly, the world will come to My light shining through YOU! Say 'YES!' to ME and ride with ME - MY time is now!"

Live in wonder of Your supernatural Father. He will establish His kingdom inside you, and as He does, He will supply all of your needs according to His riches in Glory (Philippians 4:19). For, as it is done in heaven, He will establish it in you here on earth. All that He has in His glorious presence will be available to you.

As His kingdom bride, all that He planned for His heavenly home, He will establish in you - you carry the glories of heaven in you when you carry His government and rule. All that He's made available to heaven will be made available to you here on earth as He reveals His kingdom through you and nothing shall by any means hurt you (Luke 10:19).

He has prepared a table before you in the presence of all the darkness of the earth and He will make them watch as you devour the feast set before you. It is a feast of healing, miracles, glorious love and all life's provisions. He wants your eyes wide with wonderment as He shows you how much He has truly loved you - how much He longs to give you.

He takes such joy in seeing you amazed by the wonder of His love.

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