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Father God Says: It's Time For A PRAYER-WAR!
Victoria Boyson

The Lord wants to blow the doors off of what we think we know about prayer!

I recently heard a story of a Christian man who'd died and, as he ascended to heaven, he was surrounded by a violent propulsion of lights all around him. He knew at once these lights were the prayers of those on earth who had interceded. Their prayers were shot up to heaven in powerful anticipation of their importance to the heavenly Father. It seemed more to him that they were fireworks of war than the prayers of the saints.

Our Father is constantly, even ardently, waiting to hear our prayers and react to our call. Indeed, our simple requests are missiles in the war of the heavenlies and we are His secret weapon. We are not sending up wishes or hopes, we're sending up petitions to our loving Father, who's anxiously waiting to hear our requests as if hearing the council of generals of war. Your prayer instantly activates movements and strategies in the heavenlies which directly effects the realms of earth.

In our world, we fight under an oppressive cloud of unbelief. Even many Christians are cynical of miracles and hesitate to credit prayer for the answer. This is what the enemy wants; it is his primary weapon against the prayers of the saints. If you've experienced disappointment in prayer in the past, understand that is also apart of the battle against intercession. We've entered a new season: the season of the CROSS. It's time to try again... and even when it looks impossible, believe God for the impossible to become possible.

Father God says: YOUR PRAYERS ARE EXTREMELY POWERFUL! You are the light of the world and My secret weapon. You can move mountains by warring in the heavenlies for the victory of angels as they fight for you!

Recently, the Lord downloaded to me what He called "three prayer-wars" that were examples of the wars we are to be waging in the heavenlies to effect the world we live in.

Prayer War in Acts
Acts 12 is the first example of what the Father refers to as a "prayer-war." King Herod Agrippa captured and killed the Apostle James. It so pleased the Jews, he captured the Apostle Peter as well and held him in prison, locked in chains between two guards with soldiers stationed at the door. A Band of Christians heard Peter was in prison and came together to pray in earnest for his deliverance. They knew what Herod had planned. And as they prayed, the Lord released an angel into his prison cell to awaken a sleeping Peter, release him from his shackles and lead him to freedom without the guards even realizing what transpired. He led him to the very home where the Lord's followers were in prayer on his behalf.

Not only did this tiny, seemingly insignificant group of intercessors see Peter delivered through their prayers, but shortly after, King Herod Agrippa was killed by an angel of the Lord and consumed by worms. So, through their prayer-war, they saw a major victory. For, it was the murderer who died not the Apostle Peter!

Do you see the power of a small group of prayer warriors? They waged war and had tremendous victory!

Seven Days That Changed The World - The Prayer-Wars of WW2
In April of 1940, the allied forces of France, Britain, and other Allied forces were unprepared for the battles they fought in the beginning of the war and were outmaneuvered by the Axis powers. Forced to retreat, the German army pushed these young boys back until their backs were against the English Channel. With no foreseeable place for them to go, Churchill prepared to announce that a third of a million soldiers had been captured by the German forces.

On May 26th England's King George the Sixth called for the first day of national prayer and Britain devoted itself to prayer in an unprecedented way. Photos show long lines waiting to get into packed houses of worship to prayer all over the country.

As a result, an urgent call went out for boats of all shapes and sizes to cross the English channel to rescue the besieged army. Over 800 vessels were the answer to the call. And, astonishingly, Hitler, for no conceivable reason, ordered the German army to halt, and for three days the Germans stood idle. Had they continued their pursuit against the Allies, it would have most assuredly been a tremendous victory for them. Futhermore, a violent storm rose over the region, grounding the German fighter planes that had been killing thousands on the beaches. And just like that a "great calm descended on the Channel, the like of which hadn't been seen for a generation" allowing the famous miracle evacuation to take place.

The Allies thought they would be fortunate to rescue 25,000 British soldiers, but by the time the Nazis were ordered to renew their attack, 338,000 soldiers were rescued off the beaches of Dunkirk. Churchill called it a miracle and truly it was. But we also know it was the victorious result of a war in the heavenlies fought by the saints on their knees calling out to the heavenly Father.

The second day of prayer was called on August 11, 1940 as German Field Marshal Goering commenced the first stage of his Battle of Britain with German fighter planes being released to attack the British Isle. Yet, only a small group of British fighter pilots shot down around 180 well-trained Nazi Bombers at a rate that could not be explained by Radar Air Command, prompting Churchill's famous quote, "Never have so many owed so much to so few"

On September 8, 1940, the third day of prayer from the nation led to angels-sightings in the sky over Britain. Even though the Germans sent 5 fighter planes with every single bomber during the next weeks of raids, they still lost 185 planes to the British who incurred relatively small losses. German General Goering prepared invasion barges, but a great storm rose up and blew them away. The Nazi invasion of Britain was postponed, giving the Allies more time to arm themselves.

On March 23, 1941, no one knew Hitler had planned to attempt another invasion of Britain, yet faithful King George called again for a 4th national day of prayer. Soon after, a great earthquake created waves with terrifying gales which blew the Germans' ships 80 miles off course. Yugoslavia, which had surrendered to Hitler, changed its mind that same week and began organizing a resistance against him. Ethiopia was liberated from the Axis leader Mussolini. The Italian Navy lost many cruisers and destroyers as they fought the British Navy in the Mediterranean who in turn suffered no damage and lost no men. As a result of the submarine earthquake, Hitler suddenly changed his mind entirely and gave up his plans to invade Britain and decided to attack Russian instead against the council of all of his advisers!

On the anniversary of the war, the King called for the 5th day of prayer on September 3, 1942. The next day at Palermo, the entire Italian fleet was sunk in the Mediterranean. And the next month the 8th army saved Egypt (and subsequently the land of Israel) from being invaded by Hitler.  

The 6th day was called on September 3, 1943 for the fourth anniversary of the war. That same night Italy surrendered to the allies.

In the Spring of 1944, as the time for the d-day invasion approached, King George called for the 7th time for the nation to pray. And General Dwight Eisenhower said, "If there was nothing else in my life to prove the existence of an Almighty and Merciful God, the events of the next twenty-four hours did it." (pt.1) (pt.2)

Our Prayer War
In the fall of 2012, the Lord showed me the intentions of a group of world leaders who would attempt to gain control of America and use it to terrorize the world. They knew that, without control of America, they would never succeed in their one world government.

I was heart sick as the Lord showed me their plans. But tenderly He told me He could not yet promise they would be unable to accomplish their plans. Indeed, He said their victory would depend on the reaction of the Light of the World - the church. Yet, He promised that if we would fight for our world, He would save it. This war is not a war about politics. We are not at war with each other. We are at war with the same principalities that have attempted to conquer us from the very beginning.

I cried out to Him, "Lord, what can we do?"

He said, "If My church will not fight them, who will?"

Suddenly, I realized how the enemy had tried desperately to keep us fighting one another, so we wouldn't come after him, and how he'd tried to keep our prayer focused on the symptoms of sin rather than the cure to sin - Jesus Christ. All in an attempt to keep us from fulfilling 2 Chronicles 7:14, "Then if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and RESTORE THEIR LAND."

Since that time, I've seen many, many prayer movements rise up all over the world for America and truly, we need it! One prayer call was Azuza Now 2016, which brought 120,000 prayer warriors together to pray for the promise of Azuza, as prophesied separately by William J. Seymour and Maria Woodworth-Etter in 1913, that the Holy Spirit would be poured out again 100 years after the Azuza Street Revival, and it would an even more powerful outpouring than before.

Indeed, if we think for one minute that our victory in prayer was for the outcome of an election, we are misdirected. Our prayer war cannot be for anything less than the awakening from the Lord that was promised: For the Church to become the vessel of the Lord and carry mercy and love to the lost.

Our war has not been won, for truly, it has just begun. We need Jesus! He is our ONLY HOPE! We're not fighting a political war, but a spiritual war for the souls of mankind and for the hope of the world. We must continue to fight with 2 Chronicles 7:14 and contend for the promise of the Holy Spirit as they did at Pentecost!

The Father says to His children, "Let this be said of your generation HERE and NOW: 'Then they cried to the LORD in their trouble, and he delivered them from their distress. He made the storm be still, and the waves of the sea were hushed. Then they were glad that the waters were quiet, and he brought them to their desired haven,' (Psalm 107:28-30)"
"Your response to the Chaos around you should be: 'do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.' (Philippians 4:6-7)."

"For surely, If you ask anything in My Son's name, I cannot turn away from you. Seek Me, turn away from sin and carnality and EMBRACE ME! Lock yourself away with Me and surrender your heart to me and I will give you peace even in the midst of chaos. I will be glorified as you pray in My Son's name and trust Me to hear you.

"You are entering a NEW SEASON, truly, the greatest season mankind will ever experience. I want to reveal My wonders to you, I want to show Myself glorious through you! Give me your trust, open your heart and surrender to Me. Together, we will transform the world!

Pray this with me: Father God, I want all that you have for me. Help me to be everything you need me to me. I surrender my heart and mind to you and ask you to wash me in your FAITH. Give me the strength of your JOY and the liberty of HOPE! Forgive my unbelief and saturate me in you so I can trust you! In Jesus' name, amen.

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