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lamb95x141NEW Book by Victoria Boyson
      Prophetic Revelations from the Gospel of John
Never before has the world been in greater need of a sure revelation of Who Jesus Christ truly is, what He has done for us and how we should respond to Him. If you have been searching for answers in this uncertain time, this book is indispensable. Jesus becomes more and more alive with every turn of the page! He will meet you in refreshing ways and restore your faith - without fail you WILL rediscover Jesus!  Order Yours Today!


The Awakening of Kings and Priests
Victoria Boyson

If I have ever heard God's precious heart speaking to His people, it is now. Desperately working to gain our attention and awaken us in this moment of unparalleled importance, He's earnest for our attention. We are waging war in the realm of the Holy Spirit, but it will be this very war that will miraculously reveal to us the tremendous power of God abiding within us! This is NOT the day of destruction our enemy planned for the church. No! This is the hour in which we are made VICTORIOUS!

Father has been sharing the importance of the hour we are in and it's no secret to many. Yet, it seems some are not getting the full picture of what He's doing right now. We're caught up in the drama of another election season, and it's a season like no other. Truly, it is like no election we've ever witnessed before, but God is excited about it. 

Chains Are Breaking
Back in 2012, God gave me a gut-wrenching dream about being inside the war-machine of Nazi Germany. When I awoke, He compelled me to forgive Germany. He said, "The church needs to forgive them or it will be repeated." I was shocked. Upon probing Him further, He told me there were those who sought to use America like it had Germany in the early 20th century, but to avoid it we would need to awaken to the danger of what was upon us in order to stop it. And friends, that's exactly what has happened!

An awakening is already underway - we are not only awakening to the enemy's plans, but returning to our First Love as well! Indeed, the enemy made plans for our destruction, but God had His own plan! For literally thousands of years, the enemy has planned to unravel and destroy Christendom. He's tried many times previously, but God always countered Him. Finally, the enemy learned that, without control of the US, it was utterly impossible and he's been executing his wicked agenda ever since.

However, this time his plans have actually been orchestrated by God. Father has supplied them with ideas and blue prints of attacks launched against us. Why? For the very reason He does anything - it's simply because HE LOVES US SO MUCH! He was determined to awaken us and restore us to our First Love. Therefore, His awakening has been occurring right under our noses and we didn't even realize it - it's all HIS PLAN!

Through continuous exposure of the agenda of the world's system, Father has shaken us from our dormancy. As revelations of the plans of darkness are revealed, it feels like continuous earthquakes are rocking our world. Yet, we are realizing the heaviness of the spiritual chains the enemy has trapped us in and we didn't even know it. Revelation 17's beast-rider has thrown wide her deception over the earth, while we've been lulled to sleep by the notion that we could hide within the walls of the church and it wouldn't affect us. Nevertheless, for years the growing encroachment of a prison of thoughts has gained greater and greater impact on the children of the Light. Indeed, our salt and light have not been pushing off darkness like we would like.

Since March 25, 1925, television began altering the way we view our world. Through the years, it has changed our culture as millions of people have allowed it to become their dominant authority for their accepted reality, and that reality has changed dramatically over the years. Humanity's moral compass has been systematically lowered as the church has been blinded by a veil of lies. Our existence as believers has been reconstructed in accordance to the world's system - we've accepted the lies of the enemy as truth.

The media has changed the way we view God, Christianity and the value of human life, teaching generations of young people to rebel against their parents, families and God. Of course, there are some good points about the media, but when you really see how much society has been demoralized by it, it's difficult to defend it. It's become a crutch, a teacher and even a drug. Even if we, as believers, watch better shows, the moral climate of the world continues to decay rapidly around us. We've been brought to the brink of civil war by it's power over our society, the world has lost its moral compass and defends evil as if it were a right. We have to ask ourselves, how much have we done to liberate the world from darkness? Are we, too, calling darkness light or evil good?

In Revelation 2:19-20, our Lord said to the church of Thyatira, "I know all the things you do. I have seen your love, your faith, your service, and your patient endurance. And I can see your constant improvement in all these things. But I have this complaint against you. You are permitting that woman - Jezebel, who calls her a prophet - to lead my servants astray."

Jesus used the wording, "you are permitting," indicating this is not the world's problem, but ours. Indeed, He continued to tell us who's being deceived, and it's us. He said we are allowing Jezebel to deceive or reteach HIS SERVANTS to commit sexual sin and eat food offered to idols. It's us! We're allowing Jezebel to reshape the way we view good and evil, to reshape what should be allowed into our thinking and behavior. Like Adam and Eve, we let the devil influence us to question what God really says, to question whether He really means what He says.

Most Christians think nothing of purchasing a Jezebel-Instructor (tv) and hanging it on their wall, that's what has been acceptable and even expected for generations by our culture. And anytime she has a new lesson to download about the her world's order, we rush out and buy tickets or stream it in. We have ingested regular indoctrination from the enemy and were entertained by demons in the process. In so doing, we've been led astray into increasing levels of perversion and idolatry. I know those are heavy words and I do not mean them to sound accusatory, but revelatory.

God desperately wants us to realize that the enemy is infecting us with perversion and causing us to engage in idolatry. We are offended when we see the Gospel compromised by deceived humans who believe they will find supernatural power in engaging demons and still say the worship God. Yet, we engage those same demonic forces through our entertainment choices (ie. that Potter boy). We've become desensitized to the same sin. We are angered when we hear about a man or woman of God who has an adulterous affair, but aren't we doing the same thing when we watch a lustful scene acted out for our entertainment?

Jesus did not say anything about our Christian walk being easy or that the world would accept it. No, he said in this world you will have temptation, you will have trials. He said, "If a man lust after a woman in his heart, he's already committed adultery with her," and that goes for entertainment too. (Matthew 5:28) Indeed, deception has caused blindness in our ranks.

Sin seems to be little talked of lately and it feels like the more unpopular topics, like the day of judgment, are not much mentioned. But are they any less relevant? And could our Father's desperation to wake us up have a lot to do with our neglect of these teachings? Sin is still sin, and the church cannot be a light to those who are caught in the grip of it if we are entertained by it ourselves. How can we expect to have authority over demons if we are the ones ushering them in and being entertained by them?

If we don't at some point walk away from the pull of the world, then our world will be lost. We're blind to the compromises we've made with evil and our light in the world has lost its brilliance. Yes, media can be used for good... but is it? What's it adding to our lives? Or, through it, has Jezebel become our prophet and teacher?

Smith Wiggelsworth refused to allow people to simply bring a newspaper into his house, because he said it had a lying spirit on it - that was before television. What deception have we allowed into our lives through our acceptance of the enemy's agendum? Ask yourself what the enemy would want you to believe about yourself? He wants you to believe you are powerless, useless or distract you from your true purpose. He wants you to believe you are just another worthless cog in the wheel of the world's system. BUT…. HE IS A LIAR! You are neither powerless nor worthless. You were destined to be a new creation through the incomparable power of Jesus Christ.

Simply by the Lord's language used in Revelation 2:20, we can see what we are meant to be. He says, "You are permitting," indicating sovereignty and authority. Yes, as believers we were meant to be KINGS AND PRIESTS unto our God! (Revelation 1:6 KJV) If the enemy wants to be the ruler of this world, he can only do that by deceiving the true rulers. Jesus is the "prince of the kings of earth" according to Revelation 1:4-6. By washing us in His blood, He has made us kings and priests unto His God and Father. He's given us dominion of the earth, but, through the devil's subterfuge, we've been convinced of our powerlessness. He launched a war against us and much of the church has fallen prey to it, rather than warring against it.

I want to bawl when I think of how powerless much of the church believes they are when the reality is quite the opposite. If even one believer could genuinely recognize the potential of their power and live in subjection to God alone, they would revolutionize the world around them. We possess more power than the enemy could ever hope to have, but, act like cattle, trained to submit to the world's system instead. Jesus says, to come away from Jezebel's leading, because those who engage in her adultery will suffer with her in the heavenly Father's judgment of her. If we tolerate her compromise, we will suffer what she suffers.

Revelation 2:21-23 says, "I gave her (Jezebel) time to repent, but she does not want to turn away from her immorality. Therefore, I will throw her on a bed of suffering, and those who commit adultery with her will suffer greatly unless they repent and turn away from her evil deeds. I will strike her children dead. Then all the churches will know that I Am the One Who searches out the thoughts and intentions of every person and I will give to each of you whatever you deserve."

We've got to warn the people that they are being programmed to accept a reality that is not true, or God will consider us to be complicit with her evil - permitting it. Since the turn of the 20th century, many have come to believe television has greater bearing than the authority of God's Word. Indeed, darkness as black as night covers the world. The world is desperately trying to find a way to live a relevant life under the weight of the shame that sin brings, but its led them to the so called "deeper truths" which are really only the "depths of satan" (Revelation 2:24). God wants the church to reach them with the truth, but first we've got to shake off the pervasive lies of Jezebel ourselves and repent for participating in her sin. Then, our light will shine like the dawn and the glory of the Lord will arise on us. (Isaiah 60:1)

The enemy fights to undermine and destroy the church, because we alone hold the secret to the light of salvation that can deliver the world from darkness. If the world's system has brought us to this dark place in our history, it is imperative we cast it off and wrap ourselves up in God's system found in His Word. His reality is the only true reality, so let the whole world know that they don't have to live under the rule of condemnation and worthlessness. Jesus DIED to pay the penalty for the sin of mankind. He wouldn't do that if we were worthless. No, God sent His ONLY SON into the world, not to condemn it, but to bring it LIFE! Eternal life! Restore His government in your life. Prince Jesus Christ is the answer - the Way the Truth and the LIFE!

Friend, pray this with me: Father God, thank You for Your remarkable love. I repent with all my heart for the compromises I've made with Jezebel and opening doors to sin and darkness. I ask for Your forgiveness and to transform the way I live. Remove everything You do not want in my life, so I can be Your king and priest. I want to be Your obedient child, forgive me for my rebellious heart and scoffing at Your holiness. Awaken me to Your supernatural power and authority through Holy Spirit. Deliver me from ALL the effects of the media, television and whatever else I've opened a spiritual door to. Help me to yield to You and to the completion of Your good work in me. Forgive and change me. Draw me close to YOU, in Jesus' name, amen!

"We have spoken openly to you, our heart is wide open. You are not restricted by us, but you are restricted by your own affections. Now in return for the same (I speak as to children), you also be open. Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? And what accord has Christ with Belial? Or what part has a believer with an unbeliever? And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: 'I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people.' Therefore, 'Come out from among them and be separate,' says the Lord. 'Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you.' I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the Lord Almighty."
2 Corinthians 6:11-18

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