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      Prophetic Revelations from the Gospel of John
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The Earth Does Not Belong to the Devil!
Victoria Boyson
April 25, 2021

I heard a teaching the other day which revealed to me a wrong mindset in the church. They were teaching that this earth belongs to satan and is his to rule. Although I loved the ministry this teaching came through, I ardently disagree with their thinking on this. They used 2 Corinthians 4:4; Ephesians 2:2; and John 12:31 as their basis and referred repeatedly to satan as being the god or ruler of this world. But the scriptures used were referring to the fallen world's system, not the earth. His is a kingdom of the carnal, pagan Babylonian religion - of principalities and powers. At the fall, satan did not become the owner of the earth but merely took the spiritual authority given to Adam through treachery and manipulation. He was an occupying tyrant for thousands of years, yet Christ Jesus invaded the fallen earth and decimated the kingdom of darkness, taking the keys of death, hell and the grave.

In John 12:31, satan is referred to as ruler, but it continues saying, NOW he would be cast out and Yeshua would be lifted up from and draw the people of the earth to Himself. Satan's world-system, the dogma of Babylon, was invaded the day Christ arose, and those who had walked according to the pattern of the world's system have a New Ruler! They would all be given a choice: they could receive the Rightful Heir of the earth or join satan in his rebellion.

Psalm 24:1 says, "The earth is the Lord's and ALL ITS FULLNESS, THE WORLD AND THOSE DWELLING THEREIN! For He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the waters." And Colossians 1:16-17 says, "For by Him (CHRIST) all things were created that are in heaven and that are on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones, or dominions or principalities or powers. All things were created through Him and for Him. And He is before all things and in Him all things consist..." And in vs. 19-20, it says, "For it pleased the Father that in Him all the fullness should dwell, and by Him to reconcile all things to Himself, by Him, whether things on EARTH or things in heaven."

I think it is important to understand satan does NOT own the earth - it absolutely does not belong to him. He was a thief and a trickster, and is by no means equal to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, Yeshua - Who IS GOD! Jesus was and is and always will be GOD, but satan, Lucifer, the angel of light, was a creation of God's. Created for good, he chose to rebel and go to war with his Creator. He does not have the power to create, only to deceive - he is the father or creator only of lies.

The birth of Christ was a declaration of war on the demonic powers brooding over their spoils of war, but, when Christ died, the invasion began. Yeshua stripped the devil of his power over this world and took it back for all mankind. Since it was lost by mankind, it could only be won back by a human, so He became a man to redeem the earth and the fullness thereof - which is us! That is why He so often referred to Himself as the Son of Man, because this was a reminder of the declaration of His intended war on satan's hold of the earth. 

What was given to Adam to rule, created by God, would be taken back by God as He became flesh, stripping the enemy of any legal right he had to authority over this earth. Satan did not own the earth. At best, he was an occupying power using stolen authority. However, to deceive the people of the earth he fights for any amount of delusional control he can get to subvert the plans of God. He convinces those who follow him that he is the ruler of earth, but he has been kicked out and now we, the warriors of Yeshua on earth, are the earth's rightful Kings and Priests!

The Day of the Vengeance of the Lord!
Deception has been working through the entertainment of mass-media, endeavoring to target even the very young with the lies that he is more powerful than God, ensnaring them with the sin and shame of his degenerate mind. However, it is we who have the power! Not him! Jesus has redeemed us with His blood and He rules through us! He's given us His name and His authority! Still, the enemy's spent so much time brainwashing the masses into thinking we humans are just miserable serfs, while pretending to be the vassal of what does not belong to him, but to Christ! We've got to shout it out - JESUS REIGNS!

In Revelation 1:6, it says, "To Him (Jesus) who loved us and washed us from our sins (compromise with the enemy) in His own blood, and has made us Kings and Priests to His God and Father..." Jesus rose from the dead having created a small army of followers who would transform the earth and so they have! But the image of the beast has been blasting us through the fallen-media, brainwashing the masses with deception, beating us into submission to his false reality. Bombarding us with entertainment representative of his false reality, satan has convinced even Christians it's normal to be entertained by the sinful practices of the fallen world.

However, Christ has proclaimed His day of vengeance on satan and He will open the eyes of those who are blinded by deception and declare freedom to those he has taken captive. Our Messiah lives and He is coming to take what is His. He will rule the earth from Zion and will claim His inheritance and His throne, and all those who have called themselves the substitute of Christ will have a terrible shock, won't they? They've fought long and hard to keep us from knowing Him personally and have tried to strip us of our authority as His kings and Priests. But, thank God, we are awakening and are becoming aware of the enemy's tactics - we are waking up and throwing off our grave clothes! With our eyes open, we are beginning to see who we truly are in Christ Jesus.

The Land of the Redeemed!
We've been living in the midst of a war and many have not realized it until now. Good morning! Yes, you are on the field of battle for control of the earth, but it's a war that's already been won! All that remains is to gather the spoils and take back our inheritance as co-heirs with Christ. The humans satan is so desperate to kill as quickly as he can are the PRIZE and of extreme value to the Father. Land, houses and possessions can be replaced, but every created soul is a unique design through the Father's creative power and irretrievable when gone without Christ.

We are living in the greatest time in the history of the earth, as the harvest is white and our victory assured. Doubt and despair are redundant, for we are living in The Land of the Redeemed, and our war is almost finished. As Yeshua calls to those who are His, to come out from the world's system and throw off all conformity with the patterns of satan's defeated kingdom, run to your heavenly Father who loves you with all His heart and soul. Devour His Word and let it transform you! For you are His child and this is your VICTORY! He is fighting this war to redeem your inheritance, your rule and your reign in the spirit realm and the natural. You have the power to call those things that be not as though they are (Romans 4:16) You, who know the truth, set the people free with it! LET YOUR VOICE BE HEARD!   

The Lord is not relinquishing the earth for satan to rule. He's locking him up and reclaiming all that is HIS! All hail YESHUA, our Savior and true RULER, GOD AND KING! We are at Your service, we recognize only Your authority! We are Yours and we love You! YOU are the Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End (Rev. 1:8), YOU are the WORD MADE FLESH, All things were made through Him, and without Him nothing was made that was made, In Him there was (and still is) life, and the life was the light of men. And the light shines in the darkness of the earth... (Rev 1:3-5). "And the WORD (of God) became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as the only one begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth," John 1:14.

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