The Spirit of JEHU is Rising! Victoria Boyson www.boyson.org
Have you looked around you and thought, "What's wrong with everybody?" Have you seen the injustices in the world and wondered, "Why doesn't someone do something about it?" Are you looking at society like the little boy in the story of The Emperors New Clothes, saying "But he isn't wearing anything at all!"
If that's you, understand that God is calling out a gifting He put inside you. He's placed in you the spirit of JEHU and it's rising up inside you calling out for the justice of God!
In the land of Israel, Jezebel and Ahab were literally getting away with murder. Without conscience, they believed themselves to be above God's power to bring retribution against their many offenses. But God saw their sin and His response against them was - Jehu.
Through His prophets, God warned Ahab of the judgment that would come against his entire household because of the death of righteous Naboth (2 Kings 9:26) and Lord's prophets and servants (2 Kings 9:7). Naboth was an innocent man who was targeted by Ahab and Jezebel because he owned a vineyard Ahab wanted and was accused of a crime he didn't commit by Jezebel's lying nobles and subsequently killed.
Corrupted by power, this horrid couple terrorized the true church and attempted to annihilate the prophets of God. Obsessed with themselves, Ahab and Jezebel felt no fear for their actions and would flaunt their rebellion against God by consuming His people. Confidently, they spread their Baal worship as they attempted to subvert the worship of the one true God.
In response to their rebellion, as prophesied, God ordained Jehu to become the new king of Israel and destroyer of the entire household of Ahab!
Indeed, when Jehu was anointed as king of Israel, he was told, "You will destroy the family of Ahab, your master. In this way, I will avenge the murder of my prophets and all the Lord's servants who were killed by Jezebel" (2 Kings 9:7 NLT).
So, the woman who'd seemed invincible and unstoppable, the tyrant of Israel, an overwhelming intimidating figure would be killed just like that. But, surely, since she was seemingly so "all-powerful" it would be difficult to kill her, right?
Without Hollywood dramatics, Jehu went to her palace and as she screamed out her usual disparaging accusations against his character, he paid little attention to her at all. Calling instead to her attendants he cried out simply, "'Who is on my side?' And two or three eunuchs looked out at him. 'Throw her down!' Jehu yelled. So they threw her out the window, and her blood splattered against the wall and on the horses. And Jehu trampled her body under his horses' hooves." (2 Kings 9:32-33).
Just like that… she was gone.
After years of Jezebel's tyranny, she could no longer hurt anyone. She assumed she was invincible and yet, when God decided the time had come for her destruction, she was gone - simply and absolutely.
Hickory Dickory Dock In 2007 the Lord gave me a word about the Hour of Darkness in which He explained that for some time the enemy would appear to gain a foothold in this world and it would seem that darkness was winning and indeed it would, but, only for a moment. During this time, the Father would uncloak the shroud that had covered the evil growing in our midst all along and, truly, it would be revealed to all.
Earlier this year I sought the Lord for a conclusion of that word. "How would it end?" I wanted to know.
Reminding me of an old nursery rhyme, "Hickory dickory dock. The mouse ran up the clock. The clock struck one, the mouse ran down, Hickory dickory dock" (Mother Goose's Melody 1765), the Lord poured understanding into my spirit through this simple rhyme. He showed me that in the night time hours, the mice or evil of the world feels emboldened by the veil of darkness and, truly, for a few hours it feels it can get away with climbing boldly to the top of the clock where everyone can see it. However, when the clock strikes the hour appointed by God and morning breaks in upon the mouse, he's caught and scampers in fear for his life.
So it will be with our world: the moment of darkness is near ending and the light of the morning is drawing near. The Father is about ready to strike the clock and send His kingdom to dispel the darkness sending it running.
Indeed, Jezebel had her day, and what a day she had. Everyone respected her and feared what she would do or say. She was feared by the prophets of the Lord as she flaunted her worship of Baal and instituted her false prophets in place of the Lord's true prophets. Yet, in a moment, suddenly this fearful woman was gone and all her power and dread was trampled under the hooves of Jehu's horses and dogs ate her body.
What a disrespectful ending for a woman who'd held the world in her hands, making the saints fear her and chasing prophets with her threats. It was, indeed, the hour when God decided her end. It was the moment God swept in and showed His great power to those who thought they were gods themselves, and snubbed their noses at the one true God feeling omnipotent in their arrogance.
Jehu's moment was God's divine justice!
Created by the Father, the world thinks it can snub its noses at its Creator and simply decide to invent their own maker, deciding an accident of creation would be their god. Worshiping themselves, they are blinded by each other looking to humans as though they were divine. Yet, our Father, in His mercy, allows them only so much time to run up the clock, before He reminds them of Who He is!
And that is where we are right now…
The spirit of Jehu is rising amongst the Lord's people. We are no longer living in fear of what people think of us. We've been burned by Jezebel's tyranny and have had our fill of it. Where as before we would have felt overjoyed to even be noticed by the seemingly great and powerful lords of our world, now we see we are the ones who've possessed the power to rule all along. The justice of God has stripped away the veil of humanism that's blinded us to the dangerous path we've trod. Having once been controlled and taken advantage of, we've decided nothing
is more important than God's truth.
Beloved's Awakening The beloved of the Lord is opening her eyes and awakening to who she is, who her Father is and how the enemy has taken advantage of her.
As she calls out to the Lord for justice, He moves swiftly to her aid and casts out those who would be her captors and tormentors. Once again God sets her on the throne He's prepared for her, convincing her of the
beauty she alone possesses and of the kingdom she must rule.
Indeed, my friends, the spirit of Jehu is rising… in YOU!