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Victory at Last - A Vision
Victoria Boyson
January 17, 2023

This morning God gave me a vision and I pray it will encourage all prayer warriors as much as it encouraged me.

I saw a woman on top of a great mountain who was a seasoned intercessor. She was a fearsome warrior and had been in a great battle for a long time. She was mighty, but had become weary because the battle she fought lasted much longer than she felt she could endure.

She had knelt down to catch her breath and looking up to Father she cried out, "Father, I'm all prayed out!" Yet, lowering her head she pushed herself up and stood once again. Somewhere inside she felt the strength to take a stand, so she readied herself for her next enemy.

Looking down the side of the craggy mountain she could see them coming and, as giants go, they were formidable. There were three this time, that she could see, and they rejoiced at the thought of taking down one of the Lord's mighty warriors, for they had seen how wearied she had become.

They were determined, so she also determined in her spirit that she would mount a defense against them, and if she perished, that was in the Father's hands. She steadied herself for their advance, but the advantage was all on their side and she tried not to allow fear to enter into her thoughts.

Step after step they came nearer to her as they climbed the mountain side. She was in their sight and they were determined to take her down, as many had tried and failed in the past and her reputation had grown among the enemy's ranks.

With every victory against her adversary she had grown in courage and experience, however she was also becoming a bigger threat to her enemies as well. The more powerful she became the more desperate they were to stop her.

As she waited their advance, she realized she was in an ominous position, but she could not and would not back down whatever came to her. The giants were closing rank now and zeroing in on their target. She watched and waited, and with what strength she had left she took up a stance to engage them. They would soon be upon her.

She readied herself to face the giants before her, when suddenly, the atmosphere around them became electrified and the oncoming force stopped all at once. She watched while they first looked around them in wonder, and then to each other. Questioningly, they became frozen in their tracks, and with whimpering cries and grunts, they started to fall. Indeed, they were as frozen rocks, dropping to the earth with such force it shook the whole side of the mountain.

Running to the of the edge of the plateau, the steadfast intercessor watched in utter amazement, as those she, just moments ago, thought might be the end of her, became a heap of rock and debris.

As the dust settled she could see out all across the mountain side and was amazed to see hundreds of other warriors standing just as she had. And similarly astonished, speechless warriors stood in amazement, as every giant advancing upon them had fallen to the ground as though they were struck with a mighty blast.

When it seemed as though the battle would never be won and hope was lost, victory had come to them at last. For God had promised them, "I will make a way where there seems to be no way!" Isaiah 43:19.

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