You are the City of the King - His Glory Dwells in YOU! Victoria Boyson www.victoriaboyson.com
Psalm 48:1 "How great is
the Lord, how deserving of Praise!
My Holy Daddy is the God of the universe, I hold His heart in the palms of my hands. He's captivated by thoughts of me, and my mind is brimming with thoughts of Him. Why
does He deserve my attentions, because He loved me when I was unlovable. When no one else approved of me, He called me His priceless masterpiece. In His eyes, I'm precious!
My Father sits in His holy
mountain, truly, the mountain of my heart - He reigns as the love of my life. He sits in a place of great authority in my heart like He dwelt in the mountains of Zion. The whole earth rejoices to see Him high and lifted up
in His holy people, reigning in the hearts of His children. In dominion, He ascends to take the throne of our hearts like He reigns in the mountain of Zion, the city of our God (Psalm 48:1-3).
He reigns in my heart
as it's protection and defense!
"The kings of the earth joined forces and advanced against the city. But when they saw it (His Glory), they were stunned; they were terrified and ran away" (Psalm 48:4-5
NLT). Hating you because He loves you, your enemies rage against you. Yet, they have underestimated the Father's heart toward you - they did not understand the strength of His love for you.
Those who see you as
insignificant and unlovely rage against you with tantrums of great strength, yet, it is not you they come against. In striking at you, they strike at the kingdom you belong to. The kingdom of your Father reigns in you and
fills with His glory. He filled you with Himself; He's chosen to dwell in human temples - in YOU!
Surely, just like the enemies of Israel, your enemy thinks, "I will devour and destroy them. It will be an
easy thing to do." He readies his armies and they rejoice with delight at the thoughts of your destruction.
However, they do not realize what's inside you, or Who's inside you. Led by their presumption, they underestimate you and have no idea the suffering they've unleash on themselves as they come against you. For the Father Himself dwells in you, His precious temple of Glory. As they attack with confidence, they will be caught unaware as they unleash their attempts to malign you.
They've travailed and struggled in vain as they conceived your annihilation. As your heavenly Father unleashes His power against them and effortlessly thwarts the plans of your enemy, you will realize it was an easy thing for Him to do. Like the city of the Lord, He makes you safe forever and they will say, "We heard of the city's glory, but now we have seen it ourselves - the city of the Lord of Heaven's Armies" (Psalm 48:7-8 NLT). You are what He guards; you are what He protects with His presence dwelling in you. Filling you with His great power, no planned attack can stand against you!
When they come against you, they are taken aback! They thought you to be weak and insignificant, yet, when they attack you, they suddenly realize you are filled with His glory. They soon realize you are made a fortified city, defended by the Lord Himself. They are terrified!
Meditate, Rejoice, Inspect & Take Note! "O God, we meditate
on your unfailing love as we worship in your temple" (Psalm 48:9 NLT).
Dear Father, we praise You with our whole hearts. We worship you, because You deserve all our praise to the ends of the earth (Psalm 48:10). We will meditate on Your love for us, Father. We simply do not understand Your love, but we are immeasurably grateful and glad in it.
in the justice of the victories You give us, we lean on Your strength for we have none of our own. You will never fail us. We are strengthened by Your faith and rejoice in the victory even in the midst of the battle raging against us - we will not fear, for there is nothing to fear when You are with us. What can man do to us? "Let all the towns of Judah be glad because of your justice" (Psalm 48:11 NLT). Be confident, for He is just.
the city of Jerusalem. Walk around and count the many towers" (Psalm 48:12 NLT). Father, in Your mercy You beg us to inspect Your strength. "Challenge the strength of My Glory" You say! As a faithful Father, You want us to understand and to know the strength of our most beloved Father. We will keep our hearts focused on Your strength, for You are stronger than any evil foe that tries to come against us. The darkness is as light to YOU! (Psalm 139:12)
Take note
of the fortified walls, and tour all the citadels, that you may describe them to future generations" (Psalms 48:13 NLT). We will seek You and strive to understand and know You as our Father. We will rejoice that You are ours and stand confident in YOU. There is no one greater than You! As we live in You, Dearest, we will stand as Your strong children. Unafraid, we will stand in Your name. Fearing nothing, we will rejoice in You always!
"For that is what our God is like" (Psalm 48:12 NLT) is what we say to our enemy. To the darkness, we declare our Light has come. To the enemies that rage around us, we will say, "The glory of the Lord has risen upon us" (Isaiah 60:1 NLT)!
Seek your God, for His glory will rise in you and the whole world will rejoice as His presence fills You. Trust in the love of a devoted Father. Seek Him above all else, for He longs to give you His kingdom.
"It gives your Father great happiness to give you the kingdom" (Luke 12:31-32 NLT).