Prayer Support
We list prayer support first because more than anything else, we need and appreciate your prayers.
We would love to have you stand with us in prayer. We do not say this lightly.
Thank you for holding us up before the Lord.
We would love to have you stand with us in prayer. We do not say this lightly.
Thank you for holding us up before the Lord.
Financial Support
We would like to ask you to pray and see if the Lord would like you to partner with us financially.
Some may want to support us on an ongoing monthly basis , while others may choose to give a one-time gift.
Some may want to support us on an ongoing monthly basis , while others may choose to give a one-time gift.
We have two ways you can send your gift...
Option 1:
Online Giving
We use paypal, but you don't have to have a paypal account to use this secure feature. One-time Gift and Ongoing Monthly Gifts |
Option 2:
We have the privilege of believing and having faith in our Heavenly Father who created us and will never leave us. Victoria Boyson
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Victoria Boyson Ministries | Mighty Wind Ministries © 2003-2024 All rights reserved.
Victoria Boyson Ministries | Mighty Wind Ministries © 2003-2024 All rights reserved.